Baruch Conversation Partners Program


The Conversation Partners Program matches native and nonnative speakers of English for informal conversations. The program is designed to help nonnative students gain confidence in English and navigate local culture. Practicing English outside of the classroom environment is important in improving English proficiency. By speaking with native English speakers, the nonnative students will be able to participate more actively in the classroom and succeed academically. At the same time, both native and nonnative speakers will expand their cultural knowledge, make friends, and build a network of professional contacts.

For more detailed info on benefits and testimonials, click here.

How the Conversation Partners Program Works

Nonnative students are matched with native or near-native English-speaking students for informal conversations in English. Partners commit to meet independently at least six times per semester for an hour each on or off campus. They decide when and where to meet and what to discuss or do. Throughout the semester, events will take place, to which all participating students are invited.

To apply, please click on Application tab.

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