Go back to Learning Module 9 and revisit some of the planning you did there for the Data Visualization Revision and for the Campaign for Circulation. (or, review what is there if you weren’t able to complete that module)
It would also be helpful to revisit Learning Module 8 on visual rhetoric and data visualization (as well as other lessons and work on data visualization in the course).
The Data Visualization Revision is due May 10.
The Campaign for Circulation project is due May 17.
Review both prompts and previous planning you have done and do the following:
In a comment below, write out what you are doing each day between now and May 17 to get these projects done. Be as detailed as you can. Some days you won’t be able to work, of course, so do your best to fill out what is realistic. Getting ahead of this with a plan now will be helpful so you don’t do everything the day before!
So, for example, write out something like
April 29- [stuff you will do]
April 30- [stuff you will do]
and so on…
After writing out your plan, click on the button below to continue:
May 1 – Finalize Idea for Data Visualization Revision and what needs to be worked on
May 2 – Revise and change things
May 8 – Come back and brainstorm something new to implement if necessary, final touch and revision + submit
May 9 – Brainstorm for campaign and circulation and layout an organized template for it
May 10 – Add some content to each section of the template + Consult with prof if necessary
May 15 – Finish campaign for circulation
May 16 – Final revisions and error checking + Submit
May 2 – Start working on my Data Visualization Revision
May 4- Keep revising Data Visualization Revision, finishing up.
May 8 – Start Working on Campaign for Circulation
May 9 – Revise and Finish Campaign for Circulation
May 16- Revise all the work that needs some correction
Though in reality I will likely end up doing more towards the end:
This weekend I will begin gathering the necessary materials to complete this project.
Probably one or two nights next week I will slap it all together as a draft.
The following weekend I will complete both projects.
This is kind of how I plan, I really never know whenI will complete what part of a project until I sit down and start doing it.
April 30 – Take a look at Data Visualization Revision in details and gather ideas/info or research.
May 1 – Start working on Data Visualization Revision as well as completing this week Learning Module 11 as things might be helpful and can be used.
May 8 – Revising and finish up, finalize and submit.
May 9 – Relate Data Visualization Revision with Campaign for Circulation project, also complete the last Learning Module 12 for more things can be consulted.
May 16 – Final touch up and revisions then submit. Checking all works through out semester for any necessary revisions.
I will start on May:
May 3: start working on my data visualization Revision
May 5: finish up the data visualization
May 8: start working on campaign for circulation
May 10: finish campaign for circulation
May 16: revise all my work to see if I am missing something important.
May 1 – Go over previous dafts and see what I like/ don’t like
May 2 – Add more content, possibly leading to removing certain things that were there
May 6 – Re-read what I have at this point and find additional resources that could enhance my papers
May 10 – Check for spelling mistakes and make sure everything is cited, submit data visualization revision
May 14 – Add some content if I found anything extra that I wanted to include for the campaign
May 15 – Submit campaign for circulation
May 16 – Final revisions and error checking + Submit
The May 16 one shouldn’t be there, ignore that one.
Final revisions are important! Can just flip May 15 and May 16 of course. (I know you know this, I’m revision’s biggest fan so I gotta speak up for it when I can)
May3- start working in data visualization revision and if there’s a learning a module, start that too.
May5th- try to finish the data visualization revision
May10- start working on campaign for circulation
May12-continue working on the campaign for circulation
May16- touch up on everything I have to and finish everything
May 3rd- Start looking at the prompt and working on visualization revision.
May 4th- Add more content and organize the paper.
May 5th-8th Finalize
May 9th- Look through and do more research on the campaign for circulation
May 10th- Keep working and organize my paper
May 13th – try to add whatever necessary
May 16th- Finalize
May 1st – Determine the structure of Data Visualization and the main idea with related resources.
May 2nd to 4th – Start and finish the rough draft of Data Visualization and work with the Writing Center on grammar and consistency.
May 5th – Revise after the feedback from the Writing Center and finalize the Data Visualization.
May 6th to 9th – Finalize
May 10th – Start the Campaign for Circulation
May 13th – Rough Draft and turn to the Writing Center
May 14th – Revise with feedbacks from the Writing Center
May 15th to 17th – Finalize
May 3rd- Start working on data visualization.
May 5th- Finalize data visualization
May 9th- Start working on campaign for circulation
May 12-13th- Try to gather all info and look up some sources.
May 14th-16th – Finalize/Revise the draft
May 16th- Finalize & submit
lol, I love this breakdown of what I am going to for the next couple of days even though I am late with understanding the assignment. I have a bit of fear creating a visualization that best highlights my point because I’m not exactly sure how to best display my views in a way that is enticing.
may 5 start working on my data visualization by creating a clear thesis of what my data is saying.
may 6 decide on how I would like to display my data
may 7 finalize my data visualization
may 8 start on my campaign for circulation
may 9 clear draft of my campaign circulation
may 11 finalize campaign for circulation
may 17 submit campaign for ciculation
Don’t be hesitant! Do your best. The real work is the process note part where you talk about your rationale and what you wanted to do (even if you couldn’t fully do what you wanted to do).
May 17- Finalize and Submit Circulation and Data Visualization Revision.
Literacy & Numeracy Narrative submit
Data visualization revision
Campaign for circulation & schedule
Final Reflection
Tuesday May 18th finalize and submit Campaign for Circulation
Monday May 24: Finish Campaign for Circulation and Final Reflection
May 24- Finish campaign and final reflection and hand in other stuff