Mass Media


This is a Buzzfeed video that exposes to people around the world about street foods around the world.Today with the internet, we have the world at just the click of a button. With that in mind,individuals are able to look up recipes from around the world, go to google maps to look up different authentic cuisine restaurants, and even Youtube videos on people cooking, eating, and sharing a variety of foods. With the increasing quick and mass exposure, comparatively to when we had no internet, to the world, people are influenced and informed on various food cuisines through Mass Media. Media tends to have a significant influence in our socialization in society. Mass media influences society and exposure food cuisines is one of the ways it does that.

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A Dependency Model on Mass Media Effect from Washington State University- SJ Ball-Rokeach and ML Defleur

Here are other Buzzfeed videos on people trying various cuisines and their reactions and opinions to it. (You can go on Youtube and search the others)