Annotated Bibliography

Avey, Tori. “Discover the History of Sushi.” PBS. PBS, 05 Sept. 2012. Web. 25 Nov. 2015. <>.

This source includes the history of sushi from its origins to the way it has evolved in American society. It was a useful source because one was able to see the change in a food item when encountered with other cultures and how it has become an Americanized yet popular food item from Japan.


Chen, Yong. Chop Suey, USA: The Story of Chinese Food in America. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

This book discusses the history of Chinese food and how it evolved and changed over the past century. It also discusses the Chinese individuals in American society. This book was useful because it discussed how Americans interacted with Chinese food and how that ultimately created Americanized Chinese food. It discusses the effect it had on how American society integrates other cultures.


“Ethnic Supermarkets in the US: Market Research Report.” Ethnic Supermarkets in the US Market Research. IBISWorld, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2015. <>.

This source includes information about Ethnic Supermarkets in the US Market Industry and how certain ethnic food cuisines are on the rise. Its useful because it gives statistic on how much revenue this industry makes which can backup the claim of ethnic foods rising in popularity.


“Formulation information: attendees of Prepared Foods’ R&D Seminar series heard about ethnic trends in America, specifically about Hispanic, Indian and Asian foods. They also learned how hydrocolloids affect taste, aroma, mouthfeel and texture in food and beverage systems, and how certain software can help with claims and costs.” Prepared Foods Aug. 2008: 115+. Academic OneFile. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.



This article discusses why Americans are embracing ethnic cuisines such as Asian, Hispanic, and Indian foods and why this trend will continue to increase in the future. There is a growing interest in Americans trying new, bold, and complex flavors that fuses different culinary tastes. It also mentions that the increase in diversity, awareness of health and wellness, having money, and sophistication are factors that contribute to Americans wanting to try more of these flavorful ethnic cuisines. These flavors from different countries are also now entering mainstream dining and shopping.


Furstenau, Nina Mukerjee. Biting Through the Skin : An Indian Kitchen in America’s Heartland.

Iowa City, IA, USA: University Of Iowa Press, 2013. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 25

November 2015.

This e-book is a memoir of an Indian woman’s memory of her childhood in America and how she juggled that with an Indian identity. An important part of the book that’s useful to my argument was “An Indian Kitchen in Kansas”, as it discusses the Indian food traditions she had at home but incorporated with American supermarket ingredients. It was a useful chapter because it discussed how ethnic cultures can be integrated but also maintain an identity which is helpful for my argument.


Gabaccia, Donna R. We Are What We Eat: Ethnic Food and the Making of Americans. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1998. Print.

In this book, the author first discussed how food items can spread to other places yet retain an ethnic identity. She also discussed the factors in which ethnic foods have become popular and spread, such as immigration. This is useful to my argument because its important to note how and why these ethnic foods are increasing in popularity in America and how does that affect immigrants and citizens in this society.


“Global Palates 2015.” National Restaurant Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2015. <>.

This source form the National Restaurant Association discusses the most popular ethnic cuisines known in America as well as a variety of other statistics about Americans’ knowledge of ethnic cuisines and when and where do they eat it. It also provided a video on these statistics of ethnic cuisines and flavors in America which is included in the blog. This source was useful to me to keep track of how Americans incorporate ethnic foods to their everyday lives and to what extent in authenticity.


“Popular Ethnic Foods in the United States:A Historical and Safety Perspective.” Institute of Food Technologists, 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2015. <;jsessionid=8CA5E2809C58F68D107DB78B5990EB50.f01t03?v=1&t=iheiin8w&s=364ae09ca0daffca24aadbf59e2f14e8df07eea7>.

This review about ethnic foods in the US such as Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, and Italian discusses the types of food and history of each cuisine. It also discusses how these cuisines in the US have a relationship with food safety and hazard. this article was useful to my blog due to the fact it discusses the dramatic increase in the demand for ethnic foods and how it’s history and various types of cuisines could provide information on the affect on American society and its immigrants.


Roberts Jr., William A.”Crossing the Borders.” Prepared Foods Feb. 2001: 13.

Academic OneFile. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.



This article provides explanations on why Americans have a growing interest in the diversity of ethnic foods. It lists some of the possible reasons in the increasing acceptance of these ethnic foods such as a successful economy, increased immigration, travel, health reasons, and specific age groups. Roberts’s article also highlights not only what type of ingredients and flavors that Americans are adding to their food palate but also how some cuisines adapted Americanized taste preferences.


“TI News: TI News Archive.” TI News: TI News Archive. ITA : OTTI, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2015. <>.

This website of Office of Travel and Tourism Industries give statistics on International and US travel. The one that is used in particular discusses the rise in international travel between 2014-2015. It is useful because it shows the growing trend and interest in travel which is one of the factors that contribute to Americans interest in buying and eating ethnic foods.