All posts by j.mai5

About j.mai5


Blog post 2

Gerrymandering is the process of manipulating the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class. When the party controls the state legislature they can redraw their political boundaries to further increase the maximum number of congressional districts they can win. This process isn’t very fair as it changes results of an election in which the states can consistently vote for the same party. This can allow a party to win more electoral seats in spite of having a numerical disadvantage in the population. So for example, a population of 100 people with 40 percent red and 60 percent blue. The red is at a disadvantage ,but with the right boundary drawing they can win majority of the seats in the two districts.

Some argue that the US is the only major democratic power that allows politicians to have an active role in creating voting districts, and it contributes to the divisive nature of American politics. But, as both major parties benefit from gerrymandering, the political will to reform the system doesn’t exist. Both Barack Obama and Tom DeLay have benefited from gerrymandering in their political careers. In spite of a lot of pressure to reform the system to ensure fairer and more competitive elections, as it stands, the problem is set to continue.

i believe that this boundary drawing  technique is kind of silly. Even though it benefits both parties so that it kind of fair, it isn’t completely majority ruling.


Donald Trumps ad called dangerous show us a video of military organizations all around the world on the rise and shows us Hillary Clinton not being able to stand up straight without the help of others. While in the background there is a speaker telling us Hillary has failed at being a secretary, doesn’t have the fortitude, strength, or stamina, and she should not be allowed to lead us.

This video uses logos especially when the voice talks about Iran promoting violence, North Korea threatening, and ISIS being on the rise. This is logos because is uses logic and facts that are true. These are real threats that the next president has to possibly deal with. Furthermore the video uses ethos because it shows her not being able to stand up right and her coughing. By showing us this, the video is trying to say it would be wrong to vote for a president who has no “stamina,fortitude, and strength.” Another example of ethos in the video is when the video says “She failed as secretary of state. Don’t let her fail us again.” This is ethos because it would be wrong to vote for somebody who has failed us once. Pathos is also in this video because the president is seen as somebody who is powerful and strong. Showing her at her weakest moments can trigger a emotional response because how can a “weak person”  lead us.

The rhetoric is this video is directly targeted towards Clinton supporters. Trump is trying to show her supporters her weakness to lead a nation will fail us. The rhetoric is this video is trying show us with the growing dangers a weak president who has failed us once should not be voted for. His attempt to persuade voters to not vote for Clinton in this video is quite pathetic.



Blog Post 9/26/16

At first I wasn’t sure what to write about. But then I thought about registering to vote and how not everyone is registered to vote and not all registered voters vote. Nearly 44 percent of registered voters America do not participate in the Election Day that decides the next president of the United States. This is extremely critical as we decide who our next president should be and if everyone voted the results could change dramatically. So why don’t people vote? Especially when it can decide their future and the world they live in. People think it’s rigged, controlled be people on Wall Street, or their one vote just won’t affect the result. People don’t participate when they feel there isn’t any benefit to them. As a country where we have the power to control the next leader of our nation we should take advantage of this fact. Many people say they can’t vote because they have to work and there to busy.  And quite frankly I think it is obnoxious that people can’t vote because their worried economically. And is it a proven fact that a higher percentage of people who make more money vote. As a democratic country where we have so many people not voting makes it less democratic. There is already a movement to make the Election Day a national holiday. There are already many countries that have done this already including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and New Zealand. They have already surpassed us in voter turnout.  By giving Americans a paid holiday we are ensuring not only people will have a political participation but America’s electoral process is as democratic as we’d like to believe.                                                                      

My America

After watching quite a few monologues “CURRENT EVENTS” by Neil Labute struck out to me as something i am able to relate to. In the beginning of the video she starts out with talking about what she wants in life and about her “American Experience.” She talks about being the next generation and her struggles and trying to build upon what her parents have gave her. She wants to believe she is living the “American Dream.” When she talks about sharing the dream aspired for her from her parents it gives a sense of being able to relate as many of our parents have made sacrifices for us live in a better world.  A world where we don’t have to deal with wars that are going on all the time.

She then starts talking about how we should get out of the middle east as they are not our problems and just leave them to it. She discusses how her problems are what matters to her and she is “designated driver” and not have to worry about others.

This monologue made a very strong impression on me because just like her i want to be able to not have to focus on other problems that are not my own. Just like her i want it to be about me.