All posts by r.muneeb

About r.muneeb


Political Rhetoric

I found the “A place for everyone” ad by Hillary Clinton to be quite a remarkable campaign rhetoric. This ad is portraying the message of America, as we all know it, to be a place where anyone is welcomed. Hillary is conveying the message that everyone is this country should be treated equally, whether they are rich or poor. She wants to stabilize the economy so that everyone should live happily and not just the rich. She wants an affordable educational system so everyone can get a chance to get educated because, as she says it, that’s the best way to satisfy our kids and grandkids.

I believe that this campaign ad is illustrating pathos because it has an emotional sense to it. After seeing this ad, I definitely felt something in me trigger emotionally. The goal here was to make sure everyone has value, not just the rich. Hillary wants families to be together and work together to make America great. She wants families to make sure their kids are receiving education and heading towards the right direction. She wants everyone to work together and make sure that we all have a place in this country. Her goal is to bring everyone together and that, in my opinion, is why I think this campaign is representing pathos.

The intended audience of this video are the citizens of the United States. She is basically speaking to everyone in this country because she wants everyone to work together and “heal” this country. Hillary also wants everyone to lift each other up to make this a better place than it already is. She wants to send a message to not only every boy and girl in this country but, in the entire world as well. The significance of the language used in this ad is important because it is speaking to everyone. It is giving a meaning to every human being in this country and making sure that no one is left out. I believe that this is a strong piece of rhetoric and it is very effective in terms of convincing citizens to vote for Hillary.

Blog Post

Is the election really rigged?

Prior to the final election that took place on Wednesday, there have been talks about Donald Trump stating that this election is being “rigged” by the democrat party. As Trump puts it in one of his rallies, “…people who dies 10 years are still voting…illegal immigrants are voting…so many cities are corrupt and voter fraud is very, very common”. Donald Trump also goes on to say that the media helped Hillary out in the debates by giving her the debate questions ahead of time and that the moderator used hand signals to communicate with her during the debates.

According to Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola Law School, there were only 31 known cases of impersonation fraud in one billion votes cast in all US elections between 2000 and 2014. Only 31 out of one billion people were accused of being “voter frauds” and this number just doesn’t add up to justify the statement made by Trump. I don’t think 31 out of one billion is relevant to justify that election has been rigged for the democrat party.

With the whole idea of the media “helping” Hillary during the presidential debates sounds absurd to me. I don’t think the media is stupid enough to do such a thing and definitely not to help out Hillary. I think Hillary doesn’t need that kind of help in this election in order to beat Trump, she can easily beat him without needing help in the debates. To conclude, I don’t agree with Trump when he says that the election is rigged simply because his justification just doesn’t add up.


VET STORY by Seema Sueko

This particular monologue is about a guy who went away in the military and, after coming back home, realized he was a completely different person. The guy claimed that he lost his “innocence” while being away in the war. Even though this man is proud to be in the army, he is angry about the fact that he is a changed man. He doesn’t want his family to see the new side of him, the side that kills innocent people back in Afghanistan. He recalled an experienced in which he yelled at a little Afghani girl and put a gun in her mother’s mouth. Then he told an incident involving his own daughter. His daughter woke up one day excited and called him but he reacted as he was still in Afghanistan, as he “shoved” his forearm under her chin. After that day, as he claims, his daughter wouldn’t look at him anymore. I believe this monologue is basically saying that you have to make some kind of sacrifice in order to go out and fight for your country.

This monologue would speak out to most of us, since we just graduated from high school and have friends who went in the marines. I personally have a close friend, named Matt,  who went in the army. Matt and I played lacrosse together in high school and he was also the captain of our football team. Throughout high school, he showed leadership and together we brought the city lacrosse championship trophy to our high school. What scares me is the fact that he will not be the same person the next time I see him, just like the man in the video.