
Democracy: A government system where the general public decides what is best for the economy. Where people have the greater say.


United States has always prided itself of being a democratic country, who fights for justice not only in side of the nation but also throughout the world. It prides itself of being the country with the most opportunity and the most freedom for its people. Yet the truth is that no matter how great a country is there is always an ugly side to every beautiful story.

Going more specific into one aspect of society is the vague word terrorist. Ever since 9-11 has occurred the entire country has been in this protective shell where every person who resembles a little of track is aligned with terrorism. This fear lead the country of freedom to neglect the public’s privacy and tap into every individuals lives to monitor for any terrorist behaviors with in the country.

With this new tactic the government began to question any individual that falls in the borders of being affiliated with any terrorist organizations. One way the government deals with these suspects is by various methods of torture. Although torture tactics was banned in U.S.A. for a certain time, the U.S. officials found loop holes. These loop holes consisted of abducting the suspected individuals and smuggling them into an entire new nation where various torture tactics are legal to use.

Many of these torture tactics include innocent prisoners being constantly raped by the militia that are in charge. Prisoners being stripped naked and humiliates. Prisoners starved as well as electrocuted. So much for the land of the brave where each individual is supposed to fight for justice throughout the world.

The nation itself engages in various un-democratic activities. Now the question becomes what is truly democracy and is United States in fact cut out to have pride in being a democratic country.

*These thoughts has originated from Politics lecture that the class participated on Friday Sep 16, 2016.

One thought on “Democracy

  1. Auchal,
    I am glad to see that issues that are being raised in your classes are striking a chord with you. It sounds like the Politics class was effective in connecting the dots between an increase in terrorist and the loss of civil liberties or violations of human rights in America. These are incredibly serious, important issues for us to be discussing. Because this is a blog, I would encourage you, in future posts, to be more comfortable speaking in the first person. This is an informal space and the blog might have been even more effective if you had begun the post by letting readers know that you have been thinking about the issues raised in Politics class, rather than saving that for a footnote at the end. We are going to be moving to researching election issues in October. You may want to keep these questions in mind when it comes time to choose a topic to research.

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