Do we really need Democracy?

As of right now, America is in a state of separation. The conservative and liberal factions of the country are currently clashing. Political polarization is at its worst. If the backlash against the latest election is any indication, we will have to rethink our current form of government. The change could be as small as removing the electoral college’s influence or something as big as a complete overhaul. If change is really about to happen, the question is, do we need Democracy right now?

Right now, our system of Democracy has a major weakness in that fact that it cannot attend to the needs of all the American people at once. It’s practically impossible to create a policy that doesn’t affect one side or the other. Improving welfare and increasing minimum wage? The rich will have to pay for that. Tax cuts for the wealthy? It looks like the poor will have to provide the money needed to sustain the government. This isn’t even taking into account the troubling polarization taking place in the senate. Our legislative branch can’t pass any policies because there is no willingness to compromise with each other. Both parties will argue for their side alone and the lack of a middle-ground will leave both sides at a stalemate.

Well, if we were to hypothetically abandon democracy, what type of government should we use? One of the first forms of government that comes to mind is communism. Yes, communism, the ideals that have frightened so many American in the past. It boasts a system in which all people are essentially treated equally. Everyone will have all the same possessions and opportunities open to them. There wouldn’t be any competition or conflict, no rich and no poor. But do we really want that? Without competition, there would be no reason to improve ourselves. The government would have complete control over our lives which is the very reason America was founded, to prevent that. If we are going to move forward as a country, we will have to rethink not how we want our government to work, but how we will get it to work. We have to unite as one group even if it seems to be impossible. Just remember, we don’t need democracy, right now, democracy needs us.

2 thoughts on “Do we really need Democracy?

  1. I agree with you Sherman. We cant abandon democracy. our country was built on democracy and if we were to change now we can consider the past a failure. Alos we can never change to communism. It would be something that we would be unable to handle as Americans

  2. I agree that we need to have some change in our government but i don’t think it should be the extreme nature of changing to communism. Although some of the ideas of communisms can benefit a struggling economic state, it is not the answer. More people are unaware of the policy that the people we are electing are saying and that once they hear tax cuts then they are on board with who ever says it. They don’t realize what it can do to the country. If more people were to be educated on the policies at hand then maybe we can get out of this recession that we are in and get back to a stable economy with a lower percentage of inequality. There needs to be change no matter how big or small somethings need to change.

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