All posts by c.zhang7

Blog Post #2

Throughout the 2016 presidential election, Trump received a lot of disapproval from the media, citizens of the United States, as well as people overseas. Despite that; however, Trump was elected and he will be president in a month.

What surprises me most about him being elected is that he shows no image of being a good president. Before the campaign, as well as throughout the campaign, Trump constantly made inappropriate comments towards women and racial minorities. Sure, he has the freedom to make any comments he wishes, but as a president, he should learn what should be kept to oneself. If he wants to be accepted by the citizens of the United States, he should put in more effort and make wiser decisions.

In a Huffington Post article titled “Donald Trump Will Be President In Just Over A Month And The Constitution Is Already Under Attack,” the author discusses Trump’s attitude towards the Constitution and the Amendments. Its author, Sam Levine, offers examples of how Trump has disregarded the rights of people given by the Constitution. He brings up Trump’s statement towards Muslims entering the United States, mentioning that Trump’s statement is an attack on the First Amendment and other constitutional protections. The article further makes me believe that Trump is not fit for the position.

What kind of democracy would we be living in if the president ignores the rights of the people and goes even further by trying to take it away. The idea of democracy has changed so drastically and makes me question if it even exists .



Political Rhetoric

In this particular ad, Hillary Clinton does not appear at all. Instead, there is a voice over of a man and clips of Donald Trump who speaks of the opposite. I chose this ad because of its title, “Just One.” My first thought was that we could only chose one of the candidates, Trump or Clinton, to be our president. Instead, the title really represents that one wrong move could lead to a lot of trouble and distrust.

This ad is ethos as the voice over tells us positive things while Trump is spouting his nonsense and negative comments. For example while the voice over says “In times of crisis, America depends on…And calm judgment” Trump’s voice follows immediately after with “And you can tell them to go f—themselves.” This ad is trying to evoke what is right and wrong and putting Trump in a negative light. Especially with the clips chosen of Trump, the ad is trying to show that Trump is unprofessional and uses poor choice of words. The ad is also logos because nobody would want to vote for an unprofessional candidate who constantly sheds negativity.

This rhetoric is supposed to show the viewers how Trump fails to fall into the qualifications a president is to have. While listing some qualifications, the clips of Trump clearly show that his attitude and tone do not follow it. I think this rhetoric is effective as it states the difference between Trump and past presidents. Clinton obviously wanted to tell voters that Trump does not give off the vibe of what a president should as he uses inappropriate comments and words.

Though I am not really paying much attention to the election, I have heard a lot of the negativity surrounding Trump, especially with his comments on women. The comments he have made is also a wrong move of his. He continually shows his lack of professionalism and any more of these “one wrong move’s” will leave him in an even more unfavorable position.

Blog Post– What is democracy?

Democracy—what is the exact definition of democracy? Is there even a definition, or is it just an open ended idea that exists in our minds? As defined by Merriam-Webster, democracy is “a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting” and “an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights.” But, do we all have equal rights, or does that only apply to some people?

If we were all to be treated equally, why does racism and sexism exist? Are we even giving the same amount of chances to those who are colored? Though some would say that colored people are not putting in enough effort, it is almost inevitable to say that racism exists. With the addition of media play, it seems as if colored people are not recognized for their efforts. Continually, white superiority flourishes and is almost unbeatable.

Additionally, women continue to make less than men do even though they do the same amount of work. Women make up approximately half of the work force, as do men, but most women make 80% of what men make. Despite ongoing fights for the rights and equality of women, some people just can’t seem to trust a female candidate for the presidency. Like the election in 2008, people were skeptical of having a colored president at first, we should be accepting of difference.

We, as citizens of the United States, should become more open-minded to diversity. If we are to continue to be a democratic country, we should demonstrate democratic ideas and mend the flaws we have made.



As the monologue begins, the woman begins by asking others if they could allow her to use their phone to make a phone call. She continues to say that she needs to make a phone call in order to get into contact with her sister, who is about to leave. From this monologue, I believe the woman is trying to get to the point of people not caring enough to see the desperation of others. Nowadays people are too preoccupied with their electronics to not be able to see what is happening around them. She includes that people are “connected to someone in China while ignoring the flesh and bone body standing next to you.” From this, I can conclude that people will give their attention to something that they do not witness, but would not if they did. While people take notice or like a post on the media, most do not actually take action to help the situation. For example, a person could post about poverty in another country but would not give a glance to the poor he/she passes by on the block he/she walks by every day. This monologue left a strong impression on me because it reminds me that most people are all talk but no action. People are “sympathetic” or “empathetic” but would not do anything to help, thus making them passive.