Tony Lin MyAmerica Monologue

Browsing through the monologues, I didn’t expect to be intrigued by a video titled “TOUR DE FRANCE” by Neil LaBute. In this video, Neil LaBute explains what he thinks America is through a very short life experience that is common to Americans. By speaking and going through with his monologue to answer the question: “What is America?” Neil LaBute states that the ability that he is given to do so, is America.

In Neil LaBute’s brief life event, he is running in the park while observing the way others are moving around themselves around. Nothing catches his attention until after a black guy riding on a bicycle passes. This catches his attention because he thinks about how back in his father’s days, the rider’s actions wouldn’t be acceptable and there would be accusations of the rider stealing the bike. In the present, there are no problems with a black guy riding a bike. The rider is smiling and the people around him do not mind him.

I felt intrigued by this monologue because I felt that Neil Labute did a great job at explaining how America is connected with the idea of freedom and that courage determines whether we do or don’t do things. Living in America, I don’t feel restricted, there are things to do anywhere at anytime. I have done a countless amount of things that I may or may not be judged for, but none of that stops me from doing so in America.

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