Honors requirements
An Honors education is a holistic experience that extends beyond the ten Honors course requirement to help students craft a plan for their own academic, personal and professional development through five critical experiences: academic excellence, global experience, leadership and service, arts exploration, and research/creative inquiry.
As an honors student, you are expected to be active and highly engaged in the classroom and within the communities you belong to (Baruch, Honors, and beyond). As a tight-knit community, academic honesty is of utmost importance to us all, for your own development and in the spirit of fairness and respect. As such, we expect you to practice academic integrity (see Baruch’s statement on academic integrity and Macaulay’s Student Conduct and Community Standards.
Honors requirements overview
See also Honors Program Syllabus
Honors Policies
- Good standing in Honors
- Macaulay Scholars: 3.3 term GPA (1st three semesters) & 3.5 term GPA (4th semester and beyond) | To Graduate with College Honors: 3.5 Cumulative GPA
- Baruch Scholars: Cumulative GPA of 3.5 (after obtaining 60 credits, 3.3. GPA required up to 59 crs)
- Provost Scholars: Cumulative GPA of 3.5 (after obtaining 60 credits, 3.3. GPA required up to 59 crs)
- 30 hours of community service
- Each Semester: Arts & Culture Event Attendance
- Academic integrity
- 8-10 Honors courses, depending on Scholar Group
- ENG 2800, ENG 2850, CMP 2800 or CMP 2850 (or an honors section in either of these courses)
- Research & Creative Inquiry: thesis or Honors Capstone
- Macaulay Scholars: 3.3 term GPA (1st three semesters) & 3.5 term GPA (4th semester and beyond) | To Graduate with College Honors: 3.5 Cumulative GPA
- Baruch Scholars: 3.5 Cumulative GPA
- Provost Scholars: 3.5 Cumulative GPA
Experiential learning requirements
- Community Service Form – for Baruch Scholars and Provost Scholars only
- Community Macaulay Community Service platform (online)
- Submit your arts and cultural event via the online qualtrics form
- Submit FAFSA/TAP (Free Application for Federal Student Aid and New York’s Tuition Assistance Program) forms each year
- Submit Laptop ownership agreement (Macaulay and Baruch Scholars), first semester Junior year (if applicable)
- Meet with Honors Advisor prior to registration, in order to approve your class schedule, during the first two years (optional, thereafter)
Honors requirements sample timeline
- If you are in good standing and have fulfilled all requirements, you will receive:
- MHC-Baruch joint degree (if you’re a Macaulay Scholar)
- Baruch College Honors
- Disciplinary Honors (if you successfully write a thesis)
- Latin Honors if you have a high GPA (as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin)
- Review the Graduation Checklist
- Celebrations! Join us for:
- Honors Valedictory, your individualized medaling ceremony
- Baruch and MHC Commencements
- Check-in with your Honors advisor about post-graduate opportunities, such as fellowships, graduate school, and special opportunities