First A. Lastname
About me
I’m a Junior Journalism and Philosophy major interested in the role water policy plays in the Middle East peace process. I am currently writing a thesis on blah blah blah, working with my faculty mentor, Dr. Wonderful, in the Philosophy department.
Inquiry Curriculum
- Course 1: Spring 2016. Comment: I’m learning about multiple regression
- Course 2: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …
- Course 3: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …
- Course 4: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …
Inquiry Co-Curriculum
- Activity 1: Month, date, year. Comment: Workshop on GIS data mapping, hosted by ____. Reflections: What I learned
- Activity 2: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …Reflections:
- Activity 3: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …Reflections:
- Activity 4: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …Reflections:
- Activity 1: Month, date, year. Comment: Art exhibit on water. Reflections:
- Activity 2: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …Reflections:
- Activity 3: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …Reflections:
- Activity 4: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …Reflections:
Research activities blog
- Activity 1: Spring 2016. Working in Dr. Wonderful’s research lab, piping samples, conducting archival research, ad infinitum
- Course 2: Semester Year. Comment: I learned …Reflections:
Writing samples
- Literature review
- Conference proposal