The Boston College Center for International higher education discusses how the age of technology will be a great change in the way international education is viewed, as well as how students learn in the higher education environment overall. The report also discusses some negative aspects that the higher education is experiencing ,such as funding in public universities.There is not enough money coming in from the government to be able to keep higher education programming afloat hence many can experience a  delay in the growth of  international higher education aspect in their curriculum. Also, it is important to note that institutional research, as well as student success, seems to be the top priority to colleges for the students. The IHE report is looking at what the next two decades will mean for the colleges in terms of higher education. There is main questions that are asked about how the future of higher education will look and a lot is tied to quality, funds, and change. Resources are the key to being able to drive international higher education in the right direction. Overall the exhibit in some programming actually working to help more students study internationally and others not quite making it due to issues as well as regulations.

The Bridges to internationalization article further dives into the future of international higher education by bringing into perspective its current situation. Most countries do not participate in international education, most of it is driven by the US, Europe, and Australia. The article further goes to discuss that for future of international education to expand and become more inclusive there need to be more changes made at the institutional level as well as the countries level of a better involvement in higher education.

The EAIE also examines the growth of international education on smaller countries which also shows similar issues that may arise when trying to proceed with internationalization since they have even less of an advantage and less funding in their own country. However, the report also shows that if they do end up putting more programming for international higher education then it may help show growth within the country itself. The main focus of the countries should be networking to be able to rise up to the bigger more advanced countries to create a global international learning system.

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2 thoughts on “W13- Future of International Higher Education

  1. The future of higher education is lead by the stronger, larger countries but higher education must realize is for it to be international, it must also include those smaller countries too. There are countries who lack the funding to expand the way the U.S. is expanding and though it would be nice for these smaller countries to stand together, it would work better if the larger more successful countries tried to help the smaller ones. This is where partner institutions can become useful more than just using each other as host campuses for special programs. Building relationships like this can impact the future of higher education greatly.

  2. I agree 100% with Melissa. Well funding in higher ed is scarce, there is money there and other ways to achieve what needs to be achieved. If larger countries worked together and with smaller countries, it is quite possible that the state of higher ed could possibly be much different. Sometimes its not always funding that these smaller countries are lacking, it can boil down to guidance, but before that can happen, the entire field as to come to some sort of middle ground, will that happen? Or even possible? That’s another story

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