W13- Future of International Higher Education

The Boston College Center for International higher education discusses how the age of technology will be a great change in the way international education is viewed, as well as how students learn in the higher education environment overall. The report also discusses some negative aspects that the higher education is experiencing ,such as funding in public universities.There is not enough money coming in from the government to be able to keep higher education programming afloat hence many can experience a  delay in the growth of  international higher education aspect in their curriculum. Also, it is important to note that institutional research, as well as student success, seems to be the top priority to colleges for the students. The IHE report is looking at what the next two decades will mean for the colleges in terms of higher education. There is main questions that are asked about how the future of higher education will look and a lot is tied to quality, funds, and change. Resources are the key to being able to drive international higher education in the right direction. Overall the exhibit in some programming actually working to help more students study internationally and others not quite making it due to issues as well as regulations.

The Bridges to internationalization article further dives into the future of international higher education by bringing into perspective its current situation. Most countries do not participate in international education, most of it is driven by the US, Europe, and Australia. The article further goes to discuss that for future of international education to expand and become more inclusive there need to be more changes made at the institutional level as well as the countries level of a better involvement in higher education.

The EAIE also examines the growth of international education on smaller countries which also shows similar issues that may arise when trying to proceed with internationalization since they have even less of an advantage and less funding in their own country. However, the report also shows that if they do end up putting more programming for international higher education then it may help show growth within the country itself. The main focus of the countries should be networking to be able to rise up to the bigger more advanced countries to create a global international learning system.

W11- International Higher Education organizations

Internal association of universities is an organization that is looking to better higher education by discussing, examining and taking action for common interests of worldwide education. Internationalization for this organization has been at the peak of interest in the most recent years. Global education provides more opportunities as well as new challenges for the organization as well as universities all over the world. The 4th Global survey shows a big contribution of colleges in internationalization policies and procedures. The numbers of schools participating is growing and showing more inclination of importance to higher education in senior level colleges. However a vast majority of colleges still tend to face a similar issue when trying to expand internationalization ,and that is the lack of funding. This seems to be a reoccurring theme in not only international education but also in higher education generally . There is not much emphasis placed on higher education as much as is placed on other things. According to the White House US, only about 3% of taxes go towards education. And about .8% of that money is going towards higher education financial aid assistance. Most of the  taxes seem to go on main health care and national defense, which come out to about 50% of the taxes that are taken only federally.

Another article that discusses the Mapping of International higher education is U.S gives  more in-depth information on how popular internationalization is for the U.S. Overall findings of the survey show that internationalization has accelerated the schools in the recent years. The report also shines a view on curriculum, co-curriculum, and learning outcomes. The presence of having a foreign language presented for most colleges has become quite necessary and is involved in every program. Where Spanish and French tend to be the most popular languages taught in higher education universities. Another interesting topic that the article discusses is the professional development and funding opportunities however, yet again it shows that those opportunities are more research oriented. Considering that is the main drive that inherits funding for the schools and activities hence it is the one mostly funded and focused on.

W10- University Governance inside and out

Global Trends in University Governance covers an array of different information , it begins by discussing  with the growth of the higher education sector there is a  need to have the assurance of the management effort that goes into these institutions. The article then  goes to further discuss how different countries have different governance as well as power over higher education. Some show that they let their policies be directly correlated with the issues that they are more inclined to be for such as research and technological advances.

With private institutions, there may be less governance coming from the state level and more from within the schools. Since private universities do tend to have more funds to employ ideas and faster-emerging jobs at a greater speed than public institution’s that usually tend to lack funds. Yet sometimes private sectors may create a problem with not enough governance coming from outside but mostly inside the university. Hence, the article goes on to try and deliberate of how much governance should the state versus the institution have to keep a balance within the higher education system to ensure that people are getting out of it what they need which is an education and or a skill to better their career choices.

Another article goes into depth about governance reform for higher education in Asia. The study found a common trend in reforms from all of the Asian countries was autonomy within the institutions. The leadership in the universities was learned procedural matters in the less developed countries. However, this type of self-governance is yet again showing a problem from the economic viewpoint. Many public institutions are not given enough financial support to be able to make and carry out many decisions

While these articles provide a good view of external governance of higher education it is very important to discuss the internal governance of education. Some colleges that have the governance only depending on faculty can always have the school is not functioning properly when given the opportunity to lead the university and to make better decisions. The AFT higher education report discusses the need for shared governance within the school. Many schools in the US tend to function from the faculty view and not as much from the administrative side and giving administration that power and enabling then to have a say can bring many schools to better decision making and in the long run a good change in the higher education system for the better of the students as well as the market.

W9- BRIC institutions and Strategic planning

Global Strategy and internationalization at OHIO University article discuss the positive contributions that the university has made to internationalization. However, the challenge for the University has become to help internationalization grow on a larger scale from its vision to implemented strategy. Its strategy development process is to develop a global framework. Define the needs of Ohio, have a long-term strategy in place, and continue operational strategy and initiatives report to have this a workable strategy.

On the other side, we are presented with Middlesex college global education strategic plan. Their vision is for college students to become global citizens who think globally while acting locally. Their overall plan is to have a global curriculum as well as engagement and to have international recruitment.

According to the World University rankings, the US overall ignores opportunities that will enable globalism. Their current shortsighted government policies, which inhibit internationalization at his institutional level due to lack of federal involvement. However, the BRIC universities and the process of change show how different countries enable the universities to take internationalization into their own hands. This is  due to administration being given more power to make more decisions in regards to higher education as well as different government involvement allowing different amounts of flexibility for universities to enable growth in the internationalization sector. Most institutions make their own wave of policies and try and enable their own timeline of how they want to proceed with internationalization. Of course with all countries the financial assistance directly correlated with strategies presented by schools. The involvement in different schools varies some places like India are more business oriented hence the reasoning for internationalization as well as funds may come from a different place for countries with a different view as well as goals of the country overall. It seems that although not all schools have the same involvement of the government they may still have intrinsic motivation to set better strategies as well as goals to move forward with internationalization because it may be a good research as well as business and financial growth for the colleges. Yet not all can rise up to the occasion due it being a new phenomenon many colleges may fail and others with higher funds may rise above and become stronger and much more expensive. Making internationalization yet another business opportunity as opposed to a learning situation.

W-8 Strategic Planning and Internationalization

AIEA report on strategic planning dives into the history and the world of strategic planning. the Report states that strategic planning was initiated for military purposes and then gained its way to businesses. Internationalization is also mentioned and how with its growth in the U.S it is being interwoven into many of the college’s strategic plans. The report discusses an array of necessary principles that should be used to successfully implement strategic planning ideas on internationalization around campuses. Is places great importance on  follow through all the steps of the plan.

A research case study presents issues of strategy implementation on internationalization of higher education. This case discussed how different strategic planning could be in the higher education world. Unlike in the business world, there are a few different factors that disable the implementation of the correct and workable strategies in higher education. The AIEA, as well as the research study both state that unlike businesses colleges are very decentralized hence the formulation as well as the implementation of strategic plans, is often quite hard to do. It is important to note that change is still very possible with this kind of system considering the factors that need to be present are resources, communication, implementation and follow-up.

Then we have presented an example of the global strategic plan for Baruch College. It is interesting to see the Baruch college plan for internationalization. The plan encompasses all the ideas for a successful strategic plan for raising internationalization. However, it does lack of providing some important things such as where the funds will come from for this project. In the Recent news, the budget does not allocate any money to support CUNY schools for the upcoming fiscal year. Without those funds, the tuition for general students will grow even higher.

Many funds are needed for the implementation of the strategic funds, considering there would need to be more staff needed to implement and keep the program. Although students coming from different countries would be paying a higher tuition rate this may not turn out to be a good choice since affordability is the first on the list to attract students from all over the world. Baruch college does have connections with private gift givers which helped raise funds for the school when cuny started exhibiting financial problems with the state. Yet according to the reports, schools that have implemented and carried out good strategic plans for internationalization have been one of the oldest schools in the US and have connections where they are able to raise funding without relying predominantly on the state for assistance as a public institution.