Author Archives: Cindy

Summary of Activity on this Site

Number of Posts: 13
Number of Comments: 16

Smart Glasses Will Wake You Up

Well, technology has advanced again. This time, JINS, a Japanese manufacturer, has developed a pair of smart glasses that could help predict when you’re about to nod off! They called these glasses the Meme, and will launch in Japan in 2015 at a starting price of $685. The Meme uses eye and motion tracking to figure out when you’re tired, and once they know you are sleepy, it will send a notification to your phone via a companion app and a buzz in your pocket. This device also sports fitness features such as calorie counting and step tracking. How do you think this compares to the Google Glass? Do you think people would actually buy this product?

HW#5 – Question 1

The first thing I took away from this course was definitely the mind maps. It’s similar to the “main idea” branches that I learned and used in elementary and middle school. It’s also the only thing that was used or mentioned in almost every class ever since the second class of the semester. I can use it when I am writing papers where I have to elaborate on a subject!

The second thing that I learned in this class was the lecture and activity on cookies. Not only did it make me paranoid about the internet and how it tracks all your websites, it also helped my browser filter out the links that I wouldn’t look at. I like how it can cater to my interests and I can use it to my advantage when I need to look up information about a certain topic for my other classes.

The last activity I really learned a lot about was the library database. If I had papers to write, I would always count on google and yahoo for information. But, since I am taking two library classes and my psychology capstone course this semester, I had to utilize the library database for scholarly journals and primary sources to write my papers. It definitely helped me a lot.

As for the one thing I wish we covered in class that would’ve helped me in other classes, I’m not sure. But I do wish that we did more hands on activities like the crazy post-its on the professor or when we learned how search engines worked. That was fun.

LA Clippers Silent Protest

I found this interesting as team 1 just made their presentation about flash mobs and protests.

As the basketball playoffs continue, a silent protest broke out before the game between the Clippers and Golden State Warriors. The owner of LA Clippers, Donald Sterling, made racist comments during a conversation with his girlfriend and eventually led to the woman stating that he has a whole team of black people playing for him. He responded “You just, do I know? I support them and give them food and clothes and cars and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them? Do I know that I have – who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game? Is there 30 owners that created the league?”

This controversy and negativity floating around the team became a distraction for the Clippers. To make a unified statement, they all tossed their warm-up jackets with the Clippers name on the front to midcourt and then warmed up with their shooting shirts inside out so the word “Clippers” are not across their chest. Do you think the team made a good statement by doing a silent protest? How effective do you think it was?

Generation Like

I always had a gut feeling that likes would turn into money someday after I’ve seen a lot of social media upgrade their site with the like button or share. This video proved that to be quite true. The way social media works is really smart. They utilize the fact that “famous” people with a lot of likes can help endorse their brand and they will sponsor the person with clothes, shoes, and much more so it could be shown in their videos or pictures. On the other hand, ultra die-hard fans will always be an advocate for their fandom. They will help you market for free and they earn points, as shown with the biggest fan of Hunger Games.

I felt a little disturbed at the end when a young girl who started her journey to become “famous” through youtube videos wanted more likes and more views. Her mother did what she was supposed to do (which was support her child), but I believe that she was exploiting her child to the world. She even stated that if she takes a full body picture of her daughter, it would garner a lot of likes. Keep in mind that the girl is still a minor. I think it would be okay if the pictures were taken with more creativity but, there is no need for a random full body picture.

I think teenagers want the attention, which they get through likes and shares. Youtubers are aware that their videos are going viral, but that’s exactly what they want. They want to become famous and receive all the attention they can get through their videos. As they continue their journey, they will be paid, get free things, garner attention and get numerous offers, just by making videos alone. I think it’s a great idea if this is what teenagers these days are looking for but they should also be careful with what they post because once it’s on the web, it will be there forever.

Watts and Strogatz

Watts and Strogatz cited 27 articles that ranged from physics multidisciplinary and mathematical to computer science information systems. The article itself was cited 8749 times. The top three authors who cited Watts and Strogatz’s article were Chen Gr, Wang Bh, and Zhou T. The journals that tend to cite this article the most were in areas of physics, sciences and mathematics while the least being tropical medicine, surgery and spectroscopy. There is an upward trend of number of citations (ie. it actually went up 40 times within 2 days this year).

The Oracle of Bacon

No, not the pork bacon. Kevin Bacon.

On Tuesday, we spoke about chapter 9 and within that chapter, there was a mention about six degrees of separation. In high school, my teacher made us read a play on six degrees of separation and showed us a website that linked Kevin Bacon to numerous actors/actresses within 6 people.

I’ve put in actors/actresses from the US, Hong Kong, UK, Russia and even Hungary and Turkey…and they all show a link! If you want to try it out, here is the website. It’s fun to try to find someone that he isn’t linked to.

Group 5

Only on the web:

1. There’s a search bar to look up articles that you want to read about.

2. There are ads on the front page.

3. There are two versions, the New York Times and the International

4. The NY Times page updates immediately.

5. You have the ability to comment on the articles.

6. There are videos on the site.

7. There’s a section that tells you the articles that are most viewed and a recommended for you option.

8. The weather section is updated.

9. Sometimes, you have to subscribe to see the full article.

Only in the newspaper:

1. There’s a full page of ads.

2. The newspaper is separated in specific sections – like separate newspapers combined into one.

3. They have long preview of the article on the front page followed by a “continued on page…”

4. Newspapers are heavy, bulky, and dirty.

5. Articles are next to each other, when for online, you have to click on the article to read it.

The online website is more organized compared to the physical newspaper. The physical newspaper is trying to fill up space by placing full size ads and not utilizing the space. The online version is easier on the eyes, the print is bigger than the print in the newspaper. You can highlight or comment on the physical newspaper but you cannot do that on the online version. People can share their thoughts through the comment section and interact. It’s more like a forum and can make you engaged into your reading. You can share the web article but not the physical article. When you subscribe to the newspaper online, you can get the updates immediately on your phone (live updates).

Smart Toothbrush

How advanced does your toothbrush have to be? Oral-B, a dental manufacturer has created a “smart toothbrush” along with an app on your phone that shows you how long you have been brushing for and how well you’re brushing. You get real-time feedback for two minutes – the amount of time each brushing session should be. When you finish, the app will rate you based upon time and distribution and even give you a score (either a frowny face or a trophy)!

It is definitely a cool invention in the dental and technological world but, is it necessary? How effective do you think this toothbrush and app will be? What are the chances of this becoming the next new trend?

Maybe in a few years, we will have robots to brush our teeth.

Turkle, Sherry

Turkle, Sherry. “Looking Toward Cyberspace: Beyond Grounded Sociology.” Contemporary Sociology 28.6 (1999): 643-648. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

I used Ebsco Host to find the article.

Donating to a Good Cause

As I was heading to class in the 23rd building, I was targeted by a young man with a red beanie. “RED BEANIE!! You’re wearing a red beanie, I’m wearing a red beanie”, he yelled out. Then he started to captivate me by talking about this nonprofit organization that is aimed to help women and children who are not as well off on the other side of the world. This nonprofit organization was called Care. As he went on to explain how I could contribute, he had his ipad out with a form ready to be filled out. I thought I was doing a good deed so I opted for the highest amount. I donated without hesitation even though he said it was a monthly contribution.

When I got home, I did some research on this organization and looked up how to cancel this monthly contribution/PAD (pre-authorized debit). You can get more information about PAD here.

If you would like to donate to this cause, you can visit:
The other plus side is that you will get an income tax receipt for the sum of your contributions so you could use that when you file taxes!

There is a huge connection to this course mainly because of technology and information. When asking for donations, the marketer would have a page that’s already set up for you to fill out your personal information. They usually have a lot of ways to persuade you to act on what they want – forming a large group of donors all with one thing in common. Donating has been made easier and more efficient with the use of credit and debit cards instead of taking cash. It also shows the ease of completing forms online or on the computer instead of filling out everything by hand. You can easily find information online related to the things you are curious about, in this case, I searched about PAD. This can also relate to Clay Shirky’s idea of transaction costs. The difference in the costs between doing everything by hand and filling it out online is the time and materials wasted. Why use the old tradition of pen and paper when you can do everything with a click of a button?

Good Way to Promote?

I know there are a lot of people who watched The Walking Dead and are excited for the series to return. But there has been a video surfing around on Youtube by amc which shows walkers underneath the city in Union Square scaring pedestrians as they walk over them. If you were walking there last friday morning, maybe you were one of the people getting scared! Well, it was very amusing to watch because everyone finds humor in watching people get scared. Though, if I was there, I’d probably get a heart attack or curse nonstop. This prank was all done to promote the return of the Walking Dead on Sunday, February 9th (tomorrow). Do you think it was a great way to promote a return of a series? How effective do you think it was?

It was definitely memorable for the people who witnessed and experienced it.

Dr. Conner

One of my favorite professors at Baruch. I had her last semester and it was a fun experience.

Dr. Conner is a professor at Baruch College teaching abnormal psychology and is a licensed psychologist in New York, DC, and Maryland. She received the “Distinguished Professor Award” in 2013 and has a lot of previous experiences in evaluating and doing clinical studies. She got her Ph.D and M.A at Columbia University Teachers College. She provides therapy to children, adolescents, adults, couples and family who currently have issues that they would like to find a resolution for.

On another note, she is also a certified yoga instructor.

Library Post

When I think about the library, I think of a massive amount of books and computer stations. The whole place is quiet and full of people who are studying and searching for the readings, articles, and books that they need.


"I just read about this! I think that game already passed it's "hype", but I know people are still willing to play it and beat their previous high scores. It can get pretty bad when they are too into the game though, as it can ruin their mood if they lose..."
posted on May 15, 2014, on the post Flappy Resurrection

"I think that once we built a humanoid robot that could actually function properly, we are at the climax of technology. Japan is always so tech-savvy and advanced in this field. That robot in the video is really cool, thanks for sharing!"
posted on May 15, 2014, on the post New Tech In The Making

"I think this app was a creative idea for people who are very open with their lives and like sharing everything with the world. It is very creepy though cause you never know what kind of strangers you will meet."
posted on May 15, 2014, on the post 20 Day Stranger App

"I agree with you and I'm glad you brought it up. I feel like they should've put their time and efforts on fixing the security breach. I still get random snapchats from strangers and ads. I don't like the snapchat update as it was unnecessary. I didn't see the point of the filters and the messaging or video calls."
posted on May 15, 2014, on the post the ever-controversial snapchat update

"I think the internet is a great source for information, although you have to look out for trolls. I've read the article about the couple and naming their child. Some of the suggestions are ridiculous and some are realistic. I actually liked the idea as well, since it offers the people in the community to give their input and form a group."
posted on May 6, 2014, on the post Turn to the internet: It will solve your problems.

"I personally don't trust paying on my phone, mainly because it does store your personal information to a certain extent. What if you lose your phone or get your phone stolen, other people can use your card to do their transactions. I think a lot of people would rather not risk it."
posted on May 6, 2014, on the post Payment Apps

"Yea I agree with you. There's actually a game for people when they hang out or eat at a restaurant. Everyone pools in their cellphones together and puts it on one side of the table. The first person who touches their phone will have to pay for everyone's meal. I think it could be effective since it forces you to interact with your friends. I think we're practically married to our phones."
posted on May 6, 2014, on the post We are not as social as we think?

"I love watching her youtube videos! I thought the DIYs were very useful and helped save a lot of money. I haven't seen those ads yet but it's cool how she went from being a blogger to making videos to where she is now today. I agree, it is very similar to Generation Like where she got sponsors and even started her own brand."
posted on Apr 23, 2014, on the post The Make-up Millionnarie

"I've never thought so much into phones and their softwares but I have an android so I am a little biased. I do agree that androids get a little buggy after a while and it starts acting up as well. I think although they have their flaws, they have so much to offer (more than apple) that it keeps me entertained and loyal to their models. You can get a new phone every year or two and that's probably about the same amount of time for new models and phones to come out. I guess this is a matter of preference really and it's up to you whether you want to make the switch!"
posted on Mar 24, 2014, on the post Android or iPhone?

"I saw this a few days back! It was really cute and funny. I used a rotary phone when I was a little kid but I always dialed the wrong number. I miss playing around with the phone but I'm glad technology made it easier to call someone (and not have us sit in one spot the whole time)."
posted on Mar 5, 2014, on the post How Do You Use a Rotary Phone

"Thanks for sharing the statistics! I wouldn't have guessed the number of people using snapchat daily because not all of my friends use it. It is funny how our means of communication has resorted to this from face-to-face or phone calls. The screenshot feature is flawed because there is a way to save all the "snaps" you get from other people without it showing on their phone."
posted on Feb 26, 2014, on the post Social Media & Creativity

"Since obesity is a growing issue, I also think it's a good idea. We won't know the effectiveness until we see change. I'd love to get a text like that! It's like a person in your phone that is constantly motivating you to not choose the unhealthy food because you want to look good in the summer. It might only be effective towards people who actually care a lot about their health or physical appearance though."
posted on Feb 26, 2014, on the post “Use the stairs more”.. From Your Government?

"When I'm with my friends, I try to minimize my use of cell phones. It is very hard to because I'm constantly checking my email, texts and playing games. But, I totally agree with you; I love receiving handwritten letters much more than receiving texts. The pro of technology is the efficiency but there's much more meaning when you communicate through old ways. Anyone can definitely survive having a day off from all these technological gadgets so I think it's a choice."
posted on Feb 26, 2014, on the post Technology Dependency – Isn’t It A Choice?

"I love reading from an actual physical book too! The flipping of the pages and looking at my progress is exciting and relaxing at the same time. But sometimes, it's just easier on the wallet and more convenient to bring around. I won't deny it, I read the class book on my phone... I have my phone with me almost everywhere I go. I can just pull it out anywhere and start reading. I think people prefer not to own the actual thing unless they have a passion for the certain item. If I need a textbook for a class, I wouldn't want to own it and keep it forever. I'd rather get a pdf or rent it/sell it back. But if I have an interest for it, I'd keep it."
posted on Feb 8, 2014, on the post To Own or Not To Own?

"I agree with your point of view! Although I do take selfies, I wouldn't take 100 of them everyday and post it within small intervals. I am following someone on instagram who finds the need to post up a picture of himself pretty much every few hours documenting his emotions. Now, he looks the same in every photo, the angle, the clothes, the pose.. "Hate the cold", "f*** this s***" or even "great day" are all one emotion."
posted on Feb 8, 2014, on the post The ‘Selfie’

"I agree with you. It's a great place to read because it is quiet."
posted on Jan 30, 2014, on the post The library.