Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Practicum – Register Now

Professor Frank Donnelly, the College’s Geospatial Data Librarian will offer a day-long (9 a.m. to 4:30 pm) GIS workshop on October 12 and November 9.  Baruch students (undergraduate, graduate, CAPS), CUNY graduate students, and Baruch and CUNY faculty and staff are eligible to register.  Registrants should possess basic to intermediate level computer skills.  Registration fee is $30.A light breakfast and a detailed tutorial booklet will be provided.

Participants will:

  • Add data to GIS software and navigate a GIS interface
  • Perform basic geoprocessing operations for preparing vector GIS data
  • Convert text-based data to a GIS data format
  • Conduct geographic analyses using standard GIS tools and vector data
  • Create thematic maps using the principles of map projections, data classification, symbolization, and cartographic design
  • Locate GIS data on the web and consider the merits of different data sources
  • Demonstrate competency with a specific GIS package (open source QGIS)
  • Identify other GIS topics (tools and techniques for analysis), data formats (raster, vector), and software (open source and ArcGIS) to pursue for future study.

For more information and to register go here.