Intro to Embedding Media

What type of content can be embedded into a presentation? Virtually every media file type—images, videos, audio files—can be included in a PowerPoint slide deck! These files can play automatically as part of pre-recorded (asynchronous) presentations, or if you’re giving a live (synchronous) presentation you can display the digital content with a mouse click. While the instructions below refer to video, you can follow the same steps for an audio file.

When to Embed Video

Video can be a great way to enhance a presentation. It breaks up the monotony of a slide deck, helps grab the audience’s attention, and reinforces key points. Use it sparingly, however: too much video content can have the opposite effect, making your presentation harder to follow.

Your presentation should reflect your information, not someone else’s, so video from the web or other sources should be used sparingly and in brief clips that enhance your topic. Ideally, you can embed videos you created of images or clips you captured. If you are using another source, be sure to credit the original content somewhere on your slide.

How to Embed Video Content in PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint has easy features for embedding video directly from your computer or as a link from the web. Note: If you are working from a mobile phone, it may be best to upload your video to a private YouTube or Vimeo link (without a password) and use the link method.

Step 1: Prepare your layout

On your new slide, prep any headings you might need so you know where you’ll have space. Then select Insert and Video. If you are embedding your link, have the link copied before you select “Online Video” so you can paste it directly into the popup window.

Step 2: Quick Embed

It is that easy to insert video! The process is the same for a computer upload, just navigate to the file you want to embed as an mp4. Be sure your video does not have sound if you intend to talk over the images (more on that later).

Lesson One: Intro to embedded media
Lesson Two: Appropriate animations
Lesson Three: Screen capture
Lesson Four: Recording a presentation
Lesson Five: Putting it all together
Further Resources