Web Design

What is web design?

Web design often refers to the design and creation of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development rather than software development.


Web design used to be centered on developing websites for desktop browsers; however, since the mid-2010s, design for mobile and tablet browsers has become more important. You can also use web design principles to build apps and interactive elements.

Who is this technology for?

This technology will be around for many many years, and it would behoov anyone in the techworld to lean the basics of web design, UX design, and even web development. This technology is ideal for:


  • Anyone who is interested in software development
  • Software developers interested in the basics of design
  • Artist looking for a new medium
  • Potential user experience designers
  • Anyone looking to advance their career in a technical field


Module Lessons

There are many steps to successful web design. To get you started, we’ve created a set of lessons for you to follow at your own pace.  Additional resources are provided in each lesson. So let’s dive right in. Click lesson 1 to get started.

Lesson One: Create a Blogs@Baruch site

Lesson Two: Introduction to HTML

Lesson Three: Introduction of CSS

Lesson Four: Introduction to UX/UI

Lesson Five: Wire-framing

Lesson Six: Typography

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Our mission is to help you become more confident with technology. No prior technology experience is required – just a willingness to learn and have fun while doing it!

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