Monthly Archives: January 2015

Welcome to 2800!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to Eng2800, Ancient Literature in our Modern World, a hybrid course. This is the main page where you will be posting to the blog and reading your fellow students’ posts.

Take some time to check out the blog and read over your syllabus. Remember to complete your reading / assignment for the online portion of this week — details on the syllabus.

Be sure to change your name under “Edit my profile” so that it is your first and last name (rather than your initials/a series of numbers). Your name needs to be changed so that I can identify you and give you credit for all of your blog posts. Both the online reading and the reading for Tuesday are posted under “course readings” on our blog (which is password protected).

Be in touch if you have any questions, and welcome to our class!

Posted in Posts from your prof | 2 Comments