Final Projects

Final Digital Project, Due Sunday, May 24: Final Digital PRoject Spring

Further guidelines for your final project and paper here: Guidelines for final paper and project

Final Project Platform Options (click for links): You may choose from any of the following platforms to complete your final project


Pinterest : Note: there is a 500-character limit for writing on Pinterest, so you will need to write your comment and then continue it in the “reply” section. 

TimelineJS Note: You will need to choose real dates in order for the timeline to work, so, in the case of The Odyssey, The Penelopiad and The Oresteia, make up some dates (they’re both BCE and it’s pretty difficult to get BCE dates into the Timeline). For all the other works, make sure you set them in the correct years: 

The Duchess of Malfi: around 1612

Tale of Genji: 11th century 

Google Tour Builder : Note: You need the Google Earth Plugin to use Tour Builder. While it’s easy to download on your own computer, unfortunately the Baruch computers do not have it. 

You may also create your own blog using Blogs at Baruch!

Want to use a different platform? Get in touch with me and ask!

Helpful links, tutorials, etc: 

Tutorial on how to use TourBuilder

Click Here for Instructional Sheet: How-to-use-TimelineJS

Video tutorial for timelineJS: