For years, the only access to current issues of Harvard Business Review was in Business Source Complete, which offers articles from 1922 to the present. Now, ABI/INFORM Global indicates that it too has full text access to this publication from November 2015 to the present. It’s best to just ignore this claim from ABI/INFORM Global. Here’s why.
The articles that ABI/INFORM Global claims it has full text access to are in reality just records that link out to the subset of articles that are freely available from Harvard Business Review on the magazine’s website. Here’s a sample record in ABI/INFORM Global:
Like other periodicals on the open web, Harvard Business Review has set up a monthly limit of free articles that you can access. You can view four articles for free; if you try to view a fifth one, you get a web page on the HBR website blocking you and suggesting that you register on the site (a free proess that gives you access to eight free articles a month). This is all needlessly confusing given that we’ve got full text coverage within another database (albeit, that coverage from Business Source Complete has its own set of headaches regarding download restrictions and direct linking/course reserves restrictions).
We’ve contacted ProQuest to complain about this stretching of the concept of “full text” and have added a note to the A-Z journals lookup in Serials Solutions for the journal that indicate the the ABI/INFORM Global option is not the preferred one.