Reference at Newman Library

MyiLibrary Content Now in Ebook Central

ProQuest recently shut down the MyiLibrary ebook platform. All of the ebooks we had there are now found in Ebook Central.

If you have any featured book boxes in your LibGuides that have URLs going straight into the MyiLibrary platform, you will want to update them. The new link can either go to a permalink for the book record in OneSearch or to a permalink to the book in Ebook Central.

Access Problems with Ebook Central (formerly ebrary) Fixed

The problems we were seeing with access to ebooks on the new Ebook Central platform should now be gone. Since ProQuest moved CUNY’s ebook collections from the ebrary platform to Ebook Central last Wednesday, we were unable to connect to the full text from off campus. After much back and forth with ProQuest’s tech support staff and after my endless fiddling with the settings file in our EZproxy server that enables off campus access, we were able to get things working again.

If there are any ebook access problems you encounter, please report them to Mike Waldman or me.