Reference at Newman Library

JSTOR Now Offers Proxied Permalinks

JSTOR just added something very useful: a stable URL that has our proxy server prefix added to it. Previously, the stable URL that you were provided with in article records looked like this one:

That URL is unhelpful to anyone who is off campus, although there is a roundabout way to get it to work.

Now, below the stable URL option is a “Remote Access URL” that you can use that will always work off and on campus, like this one:

In the Library Services wiki page about sharing database links, there is now info about JSTOR’s new proxied links.


Trial Access to Two Additional Journal Collections from JSTOR

Database descriptions from the vendor

JSTOR Arts & Sciences XIII

The Arts & Sciences XIII Collection adds an increasingly international set of journals in disciplines including Language & Literature, Art & Art History, Philosophy, and Religion. Represented subdisciplines include European church history and the literature of the American West.

The collection offers a global scope. European countries including Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands each contribute several titles, with an additional title published in South Korea, the Journal of Korean Religions.

The Arts & Sciences XIII Collection also complements JSTOR content in History, Music, and Classical Studies. The collection will contain at least 125 titles by completion.

Title list and bar chart of top disciplines in the collection

JSTOR Arts & Sciences XIV

The Arts & Sciences XIV Collection brings together more than 140 journals devoted to the study of culture and communication, from civilization’s earliest traces to the growth and governance of peoples. A group of titles in science and technology also cover aspects of STEM education, and explore the legal implications, cultural impact, and historical development of science and technology. All titles are new to the JSTOR platform at the time of launch. Journals in the collection span 17 countries, 23 disciplines, and date back to 1839. They are drawn primarily from the fields of Archaeology, Language & Literature, Communications Studies, Asian Studies, Political Science, and Education.

Title list and bar chart of top disciplines in the collection

Trial ends

15 December 2015


On and off campus access. Use the main JSTOR link on the A-Z databases page.

There is no way to browse the collections on their own in JSTOR, as the content all mixed in with our existing JSTOR subscriptions. The title lists available from JSTOR (see section above for links) may be the best way to determine the value to us of these collections.


Please share with any faculty who might be interested and recommend they use the trial feedback form (also linked to on the Trials tab on the databases page)


JSTOR Institutional Finder pilot program

We have signed up for JSTOR’s institutional finder pilot program. This will help our users access content we have access to, in an authenticated manner, even if they are not coming from our database page. This is how it works (from JSTOR):

1. A Baruch College user arrives on a JSTOR article page from a Google search or other referring page

2. An on-campus user will get automatic access to the full-text, but users outside of the Baruch College IP range will be denied access

3. When denied access to the full-text, the user is presented with some options for accessing JSTOR including a link to the JSTOR login page and the Institution Finder ( ).

4. From there they can search for their institution and follow a link to the Baruch College proxy login page

5. After logging in they are authenticated to JSTOR and will be automatically redirected to the original full-text article.

This should help with the many users who find JSTOR content on the web and then do not know how to get access to its content. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


Thanks to CUNY Central we now have access to JSTOR Arts and Science Archive Collection IX. While currently the collection has 39 titles, it is expected to grow to at least 150 titles by the end of 2012. Some of the notable titles in this collection that might be of interest at Baruch include The American Sociologist, International Journal of Sociology and Public Affairs Quarterly. More information on this collection, including a complete list of titles, can be found here.

JSTOR Current Scholarship Program

You may have heard that JSTOR has added current content to its holdings. They are calling it their Current Scholarship Program (CSP).

While JSTOR is offering many different subscription models to their CSP, what affects us at this time is the move from many smaller publishers to move their current content from their own platform to JSTOR’s.

There are a number of titles that we subscribe to as individual titles that are now going to be available on the JSTOR platform with current holdings. You can find a list of publishers involved here; most of our titles are coming from the University of Chicago Press and the University of California Press.

The platform changes will launch on January 1, 2011. I will be changing our links the first week of January.

New JSTOR Database to Show Results to Content We Can’t Access

Today, word got out that the new JSTOR interface will show items from all its collections, not just the ones your library subscribes to, when you do a search there. Items that we don’t have access to will have a “purchase article” option off the side. Other databases from do this, too, and it’s a real let down that JSTOR’s new interface will offer the same confusion to our users.

For thoughts about why JSTOR did this (and the limited options we have as a work-around), see Meredith Farkas’ blog post.