Reference at Newman Library

Linking from OneSearch or WorldCat to Interlibrary Loan Page

Our ILL staff and BCTC are working on the ILLiad server to fix a problem you may have encountered when using the ILL links in a record for OneSearch or WorldCat. When you click a “Request via ILL” link in a OneSearch record (see screenshot below), the ILL page doesn’t load properly (it’s all text with no formatting or design elements).

Link to ILL in OneSearch record

As a workaround, go to the main page for interlibrary loan in a separate browser tab or window using this URL or by using the navigation options in the website header (links to ILL are found under the “Students” and “Faculty” menus). Once logged in, users can fill in the request form for the item they need. Here is the URL for the ILL page:


Testing a New Interface for WorldCat

We’ve volunteered to be beta testers for a new FirstSearch interface for WorldCat. Mike and I had been discussing swapping out the link on our databases page for WorldCat that points to the old, clunky FirstSearch interface with the cleaner free version at, which some of our users may have actually encountered and which offers lots of nice features for our patrons.

Today, a link to the beta interface for WorldCat has been added to the Trials tab of the databases page. Feedback about the new interface and how it compares to the version will help us decide whether we should go ahead with linking to the new FirstSearch version or the one. Please use the database trials form or comments to this blog post to share your thoughts. Feel free to pass along this request for comments to students and faculty you work with.

If you want to learn more about the new FirstSearch interface, OCLC has archived a webinar about it on YouTube. The best parts are:

Need Feedback on Beta Catalog

This month, Baruch is joining City College, LaGuardia Community College, and the Graduate Center, in testing out a new interface to the catalog that we are calling the Beta Catalog for now. Our existing Ex Libris Aleph catalog is not going away; instead, we are trying out a new separate search interface developed by SUNY and used at most of their libraries (IDS Search).

We are only exploring whether we want to offer this catalog search tool and absolutely need as much feedback as we can get about its strengths, weaknesses, quirks, etc.

Here are some key things to know about the Beta Catalog:

  • Searches are not run against our records in Aleph but instead against our records in WorldCat
  • Presents records from local and more distant libraries, with the opportunity to ILL the item
  • Once a record is found, it queries Aleph for availability and location
  • The interface is mobile friendly (unlike our existing catalog)

We plan to do usability tests on the interface to learn more about how our students actually respond to it.

In the meanwhile, we need you to try to use it as much as possible and to let us know how it’s working out for you. Send your feedback in whatever is the easiest way for you:

  • Talk to Mike Waldman or me or email us or call us
  • Print out screenshots and mark up by hand any notable things
  • Come to the Tech Sharecase

By the third week of June, the four libraries piloting this project will see all their feedback passed on to the Beta Catalog developers (at the IDS Project).

In the coming weeks, you can expect to find links to the Beta Catalog on the library home page. Right now, you can find the Beta Catalog in the following places:

Some sources re: number of sexual reassignment surgeries

I was asked to post this to the blog so that access would be available to more than those on the librarian’s  email list.

A student asked for help at the reference desk  in locating the number of people in the U.S., compared with Europe, who have had sexual reassignment surgery.

While working with the student at the  reference desk, the best we could locate is an estimate of the number of transgendered people in the U.S.  (The Williams Institute, at UCLA, estimates about 700,000, according to a report issued last year, .  (The Williams Institute is among many organizations providing information and research.)

Realizing that this estimate didn’t address the student’s question,  I took the student’s contact information and told the student I would look into the question further.  After consulting with Mike Waldman for some suggested sources; checking on a number of possible sources, and reading a number of articles, and  websites, I have concluded that there’s no source to answer the student’s question.    (I failed to inquire if the student was interested in a specific age range as I have realized that some sexual reassignment surgeries are done shortly after birth.)  I also learned, through reading, that worldwide many people travel outside their home country for these surgeries, and Thailand is often chosen because of the lower cost.  (The Williams Institute is among many organizations providing information and research.)

The Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, 7th version., by The World Professional Association for Transgender Health,,  recognizes that health is dependent upon not only good clinical care but also social and political climates through public policies and legal reforms that promote tolerance and equity for gender and sexual diversity and that eliminate prejudice, discrimination and stigma.   Page 5 of the standards notes, “ Some people experience gender dysphoria at such a level that the distress meets criteria for a formal diagnosis that might be classified as a mental disorder.  Such a diagnosis is not a license for stigmatization or for the deprivation of civil and human rights.”    It’s understandable that anyone could be reluctant to share any type of health or medical information, but especially when, as the standards point out, “in most countries, crossing normative gender boundaries generates moral censure rather than compassion.”

On pages 5-6, of the standards, it is noted that no formal epidemiologic studies on transsexualism specifically or transgender identities have been done.   On page 7, citations to  studies undertaken of those who came for gender-transition-related care at specialist gender clinics in Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Singapore, ranging from 1968 to 2007 are given.  A citation is also provided that De Cuypere and colleagues reviewed these studies and conducted their own, in 2007, and  this review can be found in Principles of Transgender Medicine and Surgery, edited by Randy Ettner.  (Not available within CUNY, but found in WorldCat, the catalog of library catalogs.)

The Standards of Care notes that direct comparisons of these studies are impossible because each used different data collection methods and differed in criteria for documenting a person as transsexual (for example, whether or not a person had undergone genital reconstruction, versus initiating hormone therapy, or seeking medically-supervised transition services.)

I also learned that there are many issues surrounding private pay and Medicaid/Medicare insurance coverage of sexual reassignment surgeries, hormone treatment and other care.

There’s a system of diagnostic codes for procedures, and I learned  ICD-9-CM Code 64.5 “operations for sexual transformation, not elsewhere classified,” is on the list of “never covered” procedures for Medicare. (Source:

While some states permit Medicaid to pay for sexual reassignment surgery, New York State does not permit this. There are efforts to have this changed by the state legislature. (Source:

Today, a New Jersey woman, who is transgender, was able to get Aetna Insurance to reverse its earlier decision to deny a claim for a mammogram that was done at a doctor’s recommendation:  Aetna has announced some changes in coverage for others it insures.

I also think perhaps in the future that the Internal Revenue Service might be a possible source of information on totals of people seeking medical expense deductions for sexual reassignment surgery because of an important 2010 decision  in Rhiannon G. O’Donnabhain v. Commissioner, 134 TC 34.   O’Donnabhain underwent sex reassignment surgery, including breast augmentation surgery, in 2001.    The tax court found that the transgendered taxpayer’s gender identity disorder (GID) qualified as a “disease” for the IRS’s definition of medical expenses, and allowed deductions for hormone therapy and sexual reassignment surgery.  But, breast augmentation surgery, was found to be a nondeductible cosmetic surgery in this case.   The 61-page decision in this case makes many references to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s standards of case.  (You can find the decision on RIA Checkpoint or CCH Intelliconnect, available through the Newman Library’s databases.  There are many news stories about it.)

Although there are many possible resources, I found two recent articles on SSRN that provide some information:

LGBT Taxpayers: A Collision of ‘Others’, Anthony C. Infanti, University of Pittsburgh-School of Law Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law, Forthcoming, University of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper, No. 2011-11.  This comments on the O’Donnabhain v. Commissioner decision.

Removing the Constraints to Coverage of Gender-Confirming Healthcare by State Medicaid Programs
Iowa Law Review, Vol. 97, No. 4, 2012
Nicole Marie True
Iowa Law Review

The True article provides the states, including New York State, that do not allow Medicaid to cover sexual reassignment surgery for transgendered and makes references to the previous mentioned Dutch and Belgium studies providing an estimate of people in The Netherlands and in Belgium who have undergone sexual reassignment surgery.

I’ll show my age but more than 30 years ago, when I was an undergraduate at the University of Iowa, the first “sex change” operation done at the University of Iowa Hospital was headline news.  I thought of this when I thought of how easily the student approached me with the reference question seeking comparative data.  I thought it would be available, but for all kinds of reasons, from personal to policy,  it isn’t.

While much progress has been made, much remains to be made in providing health care for all.  I hope this information is helpful.


Library catalog unavailable January 20, 2012, 7 a.m. until January 22, 2012, approx. 12 p.m.

On Friday, January 20, 2012 at 7:00 A.M. CUNY Central CIS will be migrating CUNY’s library systems to newer, more powerful hardware. For the duration of this maintenance, the library catalog will be unavailable.

For users who wish to find out if Baruch owns a specific book, please check WorldCat.  For help with WorldCat or any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

We expect service to be restored by approximately 12:00 P.M. on Sunday, January 22, 2012.

Mobile Databases Page


Mike Waldman and I completed work on the new LibGuide that will connect users to the subset of library databases that are optimized to work on mobile devices (by way of shorthand, we’ve taken to calling it the mobile databases page). Over time we expect to add more databases as more vendors offer mobile-optimized interfaces. The easiest way to find the page is by going to the Databases page, which now features a mobile phone icon and a link to the page near the top.

About the Databases

  • Two types of mobile interfaces: (1) web pages specially designed to render well in mobile phone browsers (2) apps that the user must download and install
  • Major vendors that offer mobile options: EBSCO, Wilson, LexisNexis, OCLC (for
  • Major vendors that don’t offer mobile options: Factiva, ProQuest
  • Many vendors who don’t have mobile options are working on ones now
  • Vendors that offer mobile options that we decided not to use (because they are inadequate): Gale
  • Authentication for mobile web interfaces go through EZ Proxy just like our other databases
  • Authentication for apps require different (read: clunky) ways of authenticating (such as launching the app while on the campus wireless network so it can be “registered” or “tethered”)

How the LibGuide Displays on Regular Browsers and Phone Browsers

  • If you are on a mobile phone and go to a LibGuide, the LibGuides server will be able to tell that you are on a phone and give you an alternate version of the page that is slimmed down and has a different URL from the regular version of the page.
  • The mobile version of any LibGuide collapses a multi-page guide into a single page.
  • Each page in the regular version of a LibGuide becomes a box on a page for the mobile version that can be opened and closed.
  • The links to the new mobile databases page on the library will point to the version that is optimized for mobile viewing
  • URL for the mobile optimized version:
  • URL for the regular version (note that the mobile version above has “content_mobile” as part of its URL):

Design Process for the LibGuide

  • Three rounds of usability testing with students generated lots of changes over time
  • Some changes suggested by the testing were counterintuitive to us but were what worked best for the students (e.g., rather than organize the databases into broad subject groups like “humanities,” “social sciences,” etc. we learned that students more readily grasped what subjects would be in what category if we offered a cluster of subjects (instead of “social sciences” we have “Psychology, Sociology, Communication”).