
When I ask straight couples to tell me the stories of how they met, they usually say school, a coffee shop, at work, through a friend or on the subway. Ask the same question to an LGBT couple and I get all sorts of unconventional answers that range from a gay dating app to an underwear party in Brooklyn. This makes me think that the LGBT dating dynamic in New York is an interesting topic to explore.

The LGBT dating scene can be divided into three categories: 1) nightlife, 2) gay dating events (many of them catering to subgroups such as Jews, Latinos, professionals or geeks), and 3) the infamous gay apps like Grindr that have a more sexual connotation and purpose.

Regardless of where two people meet, it seems like the chronological order is often the same–hooking up, going on a date and, if those two go well, settling down. Hence the blog’s title.

Although many stories may be humorous because of their content, I don’t want to make my blog a joke. I want to write serious stories that show the challenges of dating in the LGBT community. I’m sure many people have no idea of the dating life of a drag-queen, a porn star, an HIV positive person or a bisexual. Is it more difficult? Do these people have extra challenges finding a significant other? Why are gay couples more inclined to have open relationships? I want to answer these questions interviewing gay New Yorkers, asking experts and covering dating events.

This is not a blog about macroeconomics, politics, gentrification or art history; therefore, the tone will be a bit more relaxed and colloquial. This, by no means, translates into less serious or unprofessional.