Writing II KMWF

Eileen Carino Salas Blog 1

Hello, My name is Eileen and I am a freshman here at Baruch. My major is business management but I hope to work in real estate in the future.

A special piece of art that represents me is my dog Jerry. Jerry Is a 11 year old shih tzu who I have had since I was 7 years old. For these past years he has been my best friend and the only one who shares every bit of my happiness with. He has been there for the lowest parts of my life as well was the best parts of my life. As someone who lives in a household with 10 other family members I have been the one to take most responsibility for him such as to make sure he was always fed and taken out to use the bathroom. Having a dog has allowed me to enjoy nature more and go on many adventures that I wouldn’t have wanted to do alone. He always brings me joy once I step into my house because he always jumps and shows excitement. Jerry has also been one of my first encounters with animals, having him and building responsibilities with him has allowed me to be confident in being around and taking care of other animals. I have grown to be a big animal person because it makes the characteristic of being fun for me. Overall, this piece of art represents me because it shows where my characteristics of happiness, excitement, and adventurous come from.