Writing II KMWF

Blog 1.

Hey my name is Jason Calderon.I am currently a freshman at Baruch with an intended major in Computer Information Systems..I live in bronx but I was born in Dominican Republic.

I decided to pick this picture as my piece of art because its a picture of my home country Dominican republic that I took on my last trip there.Due to the pandemic I wasn’t able to visit for 3 years, so when I was finally able to go last November everything seemed different and unfamiliar.My home country was nothing like what I remember, everything felt foreign.This feeling didn’t go way no matter what I did or where I went,Until I went to the spot that I took this picture in.As a kid I use to go a lot to sea shore since it felt dangerous but peaceful at the same time so I enjoyed that feeling a lot.So when I finally when back the feeling resurface and I finally felt like I was at home.This peaceful yet uneasy feeling reminds of my home country and that is the exact feeling that this picture brings to me.It also brings back a feeling of nostalgia.Going to my home country is something that I love doing but due to pandemic it has became something really dangerous and that is not recommended since covid protocols are not the best.All in, this picture brings back so many memories that I wish I could re-live this moment but I will revisit this spot many times in the future.


Martha’s Blog 1

Hi, my name is Martha. I am currently a Freshman at Baruch and my major is Real Estate. The piece of art I chose is a picture I took of my nearest local park, Prospect Park. This park has given me so many memories as I would come here often with my family to play, eat, talk, and have fun. There are many fun and joyful memories I have made at the park with my family especially with my cousins with whom I share a close relationship. Being Mexican-American, one of the main sports my family and I love to watch and play is football. Looking back at it now I remember all the times we have played soccer/football at the park and would end up exhausted afterwards. At times my parents would also join to play and we would form teams and play against each other. This represents me because I have a strong bond with my family and the park has helped us create so many fun memories to look back on from time to time.

Apart from that I have always enjoyed walking around the park and looking at the scenery. Therefore when I would want to spend some time thinking or clearing out my mind and destress, I walk around the park and it helps me relax. Sometimes I even go to the park to spend some time alone, which also represents the type of person I am because I value spending time for myself apart from everyone else at home as well.

Song’s Post

My name is Songqiang Ruan and this image is one of the most thought-provoking artworks I saw in a museum visit last year. The most appealing aspect of art is that it is too general. It has a wide range of applications, and everyone has their own unique artistic vision. However, art is expensive and unattainable, from the perspective of many people, and art appreciation is not something that everyone can accomplish. There was a very intricate maze in the painting, and there was a woman inside looking at herself reflected in the mirror. The painting penetrated my heart so deeply that there were certain emotions in my mind that felt like they were being pulled out. The reason this painting speaks to me is that I can find in it the emotion that the author wants to express. Looking closely at the woman’s figure in the picture, she is obese, but she is perfectly formed in the mirror, which shows that the woman is beautifying herself with a monstrous vision, and she can only see her own beauty in the mirror, which can also show that she is an extremely confident person. However, she is surrounded by a labyrinth of gloom, which is like she is stuck in a quagmire and she has no way to find the exit. This is because she is lost in her incorrect view of herself; she cannot change it, and these thoughts are not favorable to her, so it is like a barrier that traps her in the dark space. Her hands are outstretched and she accepts these false realities.At the same time, she does not choose to recognize herself but to paralyze herself, not willing to step out of her illusions, which is why there is no exit in the labyrinth. This brought me a very sad and sympathetic feeling, so while I was thinking about the moral of this painting, I also thought about my own experience. I found myself having such a hard time before, but fortunately I had friends around me so that I did not lose my way. Therefore, this painting is also a reminder for me to have a sober perception of myself in my life, so that I can face my life squarely and establish good values.

Blog 1

Hello, my name is Athan Koek. I’m currently a freshman at Baruch and majoring in business management. A piece of art that I chose to represent myself is a sport called badminton. At first glance, it may seem similar to tennis, but the differences become apparent once you’ve experienced it for yourself. Badminton is a racket sport that involves a back and forth exchange of a shuttlecock across a net. It’s a simple yet active sport, which can be enjoyed by anyone across all skill levels. However, badminton serves as more than just a recreational activity to me. My involvement in this sport has given me a new outlook on life and invaluable experiences. 

Badminton isn’t something I’ve played all my life. In fact, it wasn’t until my junior year of high school that I picked up the sport. Yet, from then on, badminton had taken on a new meaning. I was inspired and driven to improve by videos I’ve seen online from professionals showcasing their hard work and ability in competitive matches. In my eyes, it truly was a work of art. However, I was given more than just a passionate hobby. Badminton allowed me to be a part of a community; it gave me a place where I felt I belonged. As someone who isn’t necessarily outgoing or extroverted, the sport had given me an opportunity to connect and interact with others. From the time I’ve spent on my school’s team to the hours dedicated at my local badminton center, I’ve met a variety of people, and it’s allowed me to mature as a person. Alongside nurturing my interpersonal skills, badminton also became a bonding point between my parents and myself. It’s something we, as a family, can enjoy together without too much of a hassle. Today, I can confidently say that I don’t regret the hours I’ve dedicated to this sport as it’s honestly become inseparable from my identity.

Awa’s Blog Post


My name is Awa Diawara and I’m from the Bronx, NY. This is my second semester here at Baruch and I am majoring in digital communications & culture. I chose this photo of the Eiffel Tower as a piece of art. The reason being that I took it when I went to France back in 2014, and that was the first time that I had ever been out of the country. I stayed with my family for about a month and it was a good experience.  I have a photo album of all the pictures I took when I went to France, and I always look backat it every so often. Since I haven’t been able to travel outside of the country because of the pandemic, looking through the album brings back a lot of memories. This picture represents me as being someone who loves to be out and about.

When I look at that picture, I’m reminded of everything I did that day, and how the weather felt. I remember it as a gloomy day and going to see the tower. We also saw the Arch de Triomphe. After that, we got food and took pictures of that. The photo also reminds me of my time in France and it consisted mainlyof visiting family and visiting tourist spots. This photo really resonates with me because it reminds me of traveling. Traveling is something I really enjoy doing, and it is something that nowadays I have to do with caution because of the pandemic. I hope that in the future, Iam able to do more traveling.

Maggie’s Blog #1


My name is Maggie Xiao and I am a freshman currently majoring in marketing management.

I chose this picture because I think it represents me very well. It combines my love of streetwear and boba. Since I was a kid, growing up in an Asian household, drinking boba has been commonplace. My mom used to make it for me and now I regularly make it for myself when I am not purchasing it at a store. I work at a boba shop, I constantly crave boba, I spend my paychecks on it, and when I hang out with my friends a typical activity is to get boba together. I sleep with a boba shaped pillow that my friend gave me and I constantly mention it on my social media accounts. I have memorized my usual stores, favorite drinks, and typical orders; I can be found criticizing boba like I’m a high profile food writer submitting to an established magazine. While seemingly simple, this one drink is a huge part of my identity. Upon looking closer, my shoes are also featured in the photo; streetwear is another facet of my identity. I sell shoes, I own many pairs myself, and I could probably name the shoe someone is wearing as they walk down the street. I get up at 10 am, well before my typical 12pm breakfast, for shoe releases, and I’ve been navigating platforms through which to sell them since I was 14. In a way, this also influenced my passion for business because I have created an Instagram through which I could grow my brand and spread the word about it, and grow a customer base of people with the same passion.


Blog 1

Hello, my name is Josefina Lima Tufiño and I am a freshman at Baruch with an intended major in Computer Information Systems.

The piece of art that I chose is the film “101 Dalmatians” which came out in 1961. I grew up watching a lot of shows and movies with “101 Dalmations” being one of my favorites that I would watch almost every day. Even today I love to watch different genres of shows and films and I am always open to new suggestions. I would watch this film on VHS so there’s a lot of nostalgia for me thinking of when I would manually rewind it to see it every time as I tended to be lazy to do that when I last watched it. The family relationship in 101 dalmatians also resonated with me growing up, especially with the dalmatian puppies, as I grew up with many siblings so having a large family was something that I connected with. The music in the movie, especially with Roger being a musician, also was an important part as in my household there was also music. Seeing their house filled with music and instruments reminded me of my own. Therefore, “101 Dalmations” is a piece of art that I would choose to represent me as it encapsulates a nostalgic time in my life as both a film I enjoyed and as one that leads me to reminisce on what it was like watching this movie and the memories I made during that time. 

Raf’s Blog 1

Hello, my name is Rafael Veloz, I live in the Bronx but I was actually born in the  Dominican Republic. This is currently my freshman year at Baruch College and my major is marketing. I’m not sure what I want to work as in the future but I definitely want a job that makes me A LOT of money

The reason I decided to put this picture was because now that I look back at it, the history behind it has meant a lot to me. It’s a picture that shows both my elementary school (Building on the left) and the stairs that I have been walking up and down on for more than 10 years. From the middle school graduation pictures or my senior graduation ones too, those stairs have been their my whole life and I just started to notice. As you could tell, this was during the fall season which makes the picture look much better. These was the same scenary where I took my prom pictures as well which should let you know by now how much memories were created here. From the countless experiences of chilling with my friends and just catching up with what was new. I almost forgot to mention that to right of the image is my building which has been my home since I was just 2 years old. All in total, this picture brings back so many reminders that I wish I could live again but it is also somewhere I would want to revisit when I get older as well.


Chelsey’s Blog Post!

Hello! My name is Chelsey and I am a marketing major. The art I chose is of the Squishmallow: Carlos the crab. This squishy object has become the face of the longest-running joke my friends and I have from our summer trip. This crab had been with us on this trip since day one and he contributed to the many joyous moments we had. We won him at the amusement park after eighteen embarrassing tries. This crab made us work for him, and once we had him, the only solution we came up with was taking him everywhere we went. To the mall, to the beach, to restaurants, to anywhere you can think of. I think the one thing that made us so attached to him, other than wasting more than $20 for a joke, was because we were all similar to him in our own way.

Squishmallows usually come with a tag that describes their personality in a few sentences, and the one part I resonated with was where it mentioned that Carlos is an adventurous world traveler. If it weren’t for the restraints that society has on us to get a real job, then I probably would spend my time traveling the world. I love the idea of going somewhere new and exploring your personal interests. Every time I travel, I find that I discover a new piece of myself such as a new interest or new favorite food and I’d love to find myself even further. This piece of art represents my sense of adventure even if it means diving headfirst into something new, just like Carlos.

Blog 1

My name is Charlotte Lin, I am from Savannah, Georgia. This is my second semester at Baruch College. This picture was taken by me in 2019 when I went to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. I chose this photo because I am one for exploring the unknown. Even if I know there are challenges ahead, I still dare to move forward. It was a big step for me to move from Savannah to NYC. Everything in NYC is different from the South, for example, public transportation. Down to the South, people need car to go everywhere they need to go, but in NYC, bus and subway can literally take you everywhere you want to go. The pace here is fast, so you can just commute anywhere at any time instead of driving around. It took me a while to adjust myself in NYC, especially on learning how to navigate the city. Every day of my life is a new experience and I do not know what will happen next. Just like in this photo, the current from the waterfall is pushing the boat back, but the boat still bravely moves forward. The fall is just like a new experience for the boat to explore, no matter the consequences. For me, the unknown keeps me curious and drives me to keep going towards the future. I made the right choice in coming to NYC because I got the chance to make some great friends, have a great time with my grandparents and found an opportunity to prepare for my future.