Two thumbs down for Neighborhood #1

For Richer or Poorer

In response to a recent NYtimes blog by Mike Hale, he raised a question to his audience “Do you prefer the polish (relatively speaking) of works subsidized by sponsors or prominent Web-video sites? Or do you look for the rougher, let’s-put-on-a-show feeling of the D.I.Y. independents?”

Preferably, my vote goes to the sponsors’. After watching a short clip on the Indie’s Neighborhood #1 and a trade group’s Suite 7, it was no doubt that I had to watch the laugh-out-loud Suite 7 again.

Before I start babbling away with Suite 7, I do have to give credits to the producers, actors, and actresses of Neighborhood #1. Pamela Bell, who plays Mina was the star of show. With very little resources, the actress brought her best performances on set. One of the most entertaining parts happened when her 3 bearded pals from college left her in a jiffy when a hottie walked in, whom in turn, turned out to become more than beyond the grave.  She created a believable situation that relates to the audience, or at least it does happen to most of us.

Now, Suite 7’s For Richer or Poorer, was hilarious and engaging. A short 6 minute clip sums up the plot of the film, 2 newlyweds finds out how little they actually know about each other on the night of their wedding. Tony Janning and Tara Perry, the couples fought about a stash of money found under their hotel bed. In every scene, the drama builds from verbal fighting over the uses of their newfound fortune whether it is a chicken slap to the face, caking a gal’s most memorable wedding dress, or sword fighting in ridiculous manners. It was just too sad that the fun had to end.

Viewer Robert commented on the ‘dull and obvious’ storyline and acting. He said, “The storyline and acting was cheesy and boring. I didn’t like any of it (films) at all. But perhaps it’s due to my generation liking.”

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One Response to Two thumbs down for Neighborhood #1

  1. Sabrina says:

    Yeah, I agree, Pamela Bell does bring something to the screen on “Oh. Inverted World,” that had the ability to draw me in though the plot didn’t. I can totally see her do a stint on “True Blood” or some WB Buffy like show.

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