Next Steps…

While getting ready for the Community Service Project, my group and I got the chance to utilize some resources available for our use. The first was the use of the library databases to research about possible nonprofit organizations to volunteer for. Although I had an idea of where I would want to volunteer, my group and I still wanted to explore our options and read up on the organization I’ve chosen. The use of library resources was useful since it was practice for when I needed to write a research paper for English class, which required the use of databases. Other resources, which I found helpful in the library, were the writing center and study rooms. The writing center helped improve my essays and the person who was helping me also gave me a lesson in thesis making, a lesson I will need in the next couple of years. The study rooms were also amazing. My group used them to rehearse for our project presentation and then I used a study room for a group meeting for a business presentation.

Another resource I found extremely helpful in having the community service come together was the volunteer fair. Fortunately, a representative from our organization, Citymeals-on-Wheels, was present and I got the chance to ask all my questions first hand. Later on I found out that the volunteer fair was organized by the Honors Student Council, an organization I have joined.  Another organization that I joined is Hilel, and immediately felt welcome. I’m also in the process of joining Team Baruch to get better involved in school.

In participating in the project my notion of what community service is has evolved. I have volunteered in the past and worked with children. Now my work is going to be on a new scale. It will be about helping someone who is in need and appreciating someone who has a lot of life experience.

In the next 3 years I see myself moving forward and evolving. I already feel like I see a possible life path in front of me and I hope that I find something I’m passionate about. I definitely see myself in Europe for a semester and have even went to the Study Abroad office to find out my options.