Course Policies





How is my grade calculated?

What is the grading scale for this class?

Is there extra credit?

If I get a grade I’m displeased with, can I redo the work?

What’s the most important thing for me to do to get a B+ or higher in this class?

I’m confused or concern about my grade, what should I do?


What are the four most important things to remember about attendance are as follows?

How many absences can I have before it affects my grade?

If I miss more than two  classes am I automatically dropped from the class?!

What if I have to miss more than two classes?

If I have excused absences, can I also have an extension on assignments due on those dates?


How late can I be before I am counted tardy?

How many times can I be tardy?

What do I do if I am tardy? 

What do if I do if I was tardy, but I forgot to tell you after class?

What happens if I have too many tardies?


What should I do if an assignment link isn’t working or I can’t open the file for the reading?

What is the late policy for turning in assignments?

Can I ask for an extension?

Can I rewrite an assignment or a paper for a better grade?


Do I need to have a computer, laptop, or special tools for this class?

Can I Use My Smartphone in Class?

How do I get in touch with the professor outside of class?

I emailed the professor, but I haven’t heard back, what should I do?

For answers to any of the above questions, consult the below course policies.


How is my grade calculated?

Class Readiness & Participation [25 %]

Punctual attendance (45%)

Active In class participation (45%)

Miscellaneous in class and online exercises ( 10%)

Assignments  [75%]

Individual Assignments (50%):

Four online entries (2 posts and 2 comment on someone else’s post)   (15%)

Three field trip write ups [2 pages each] (10 %)

A 5-6 page close reading analysis paper  (15%)

Creative Assignment (TBA) (10 %)

Group Final Project (50%):  “Book About a Book Project” (BAB)  (50%)

50%  The book  itself (based on how well it accomplishes the assignment objectives and the quality and cogency of the book in and of itself.)

25 % Presentation

25% Group/individual participation evaluation assessments

What is the grading scale for this class?











Is there extra credit?

Yes.  There are a couple ways to get extra credits for this paper.  1) Offering substantial comments on your peers’ posts (beyond the required two comments) will count for extra credit.  You can get one point for every comment (up to five points) on a post.  Substantial means that your comment goes beyond just reiterating what the post said and beyond just saying you agree or disagree.  If you agree you must build upon the argument (add another supporting point or deepen the argument or show us how this introduces another related issue).   If you disagree, you should provide evidence to support your counter opinion.   2) At the end of the semester I will ask you to complete two evaluations:  the official one for the college and the unofficial one for me.  I will offer extra credit for each survey completed.   3) Occasionally there will be bonus quizzes or bonus challenge exercises.  4) If a relevant cultural opportunity is happening in the Baruch or NYC area, I may offer extra credit to offer incentive to avail yourself of the additional opportunity, but this extra event would not count towards your three mandatory int-the-field trips.

If I get a grade I’m displeased with can I redo the work?

Certain assignments cannot be made up like extra credit quizzes and challenges,  intro. workshops or other in class  activities.   While the post will be late,  I will technically accept posts up until the reading period for the semester, but you will immediately be docked a grade for the lateness.  Final projects cannot be made up.   If you miss the day you are scheduled to make your BAB Presentation, I will put you on a “standby” list.  This means if we have a free spot in a future class, I will call upon you to make your presentation.   I cannot guarantee that there will be an open time slot for you, hence “standby.”   I will on a case by case basis grant the opportunity to revise the close reading paper assignment.  If you think you are a good candidate for revision, you must contact me no later than 48 hours after I sen you the grade.  If I grant permission for a revision, we will work out a revision plan and date, which will then be non-negotiable.  I take the highest grade [I do not average paper grades.]

I’m confused or concern about my grade, what should I do?

If you are deeply concerned about your grade or sincerely confused about how the grading works, you should talk to me.  Please note though, I will not entertain grade-grubbing conversations.  If you are concerned about how grades are computed that’s fine.  If you are concerned with how you can improve your paper, that’s fine.  If you are trying to negotiate with me about your grade, Not Fine.


The four most important things to remember about attendance are as follows:

1. Your second unexcused absence will affect your participation grade.

2. More than two unexcused absences  can result in a WU.

3. Every 2  tardies counts as an unexcused absence.

4.  If you are tardy, you must AFTER CLASS make sure you’ve been marked tardy.

How Many Absences Can I Have Before it affects my grade?

Missing more than two face-to-face classes, may result in a WU:   According to Baruch College Attendance Policy, students who miss more than twice the amount of hours the course meets in a week may receive a WU.   This class meets once a week.  Each class session is 1.5 hours which means we meet for 90 minutes a week.   So if you miss more than 2 classes [3 hrs or 180 minutes or 2 classes] of this course, you may receive a WU for the course.

If I Miss More than Two Classes Am I Automatically Dropped from the Class?!

If you are a freshman or a sophomore, I am obligated to give you a WU if you miss more than two classes.  This is Baruch Policy; it is not mine, and I cannot negotiate with you. While I have some leeway with juniors and seniors, I tend to stick to this rule.  Even where I make exceptions, having more than 2 unexcused absences will affect your grade.  If you find yourself in this unfortunate experience, it’s best to contact me and discuss your options (even if they are limited) before just deciding that there is no hope and bailing on the class.

Please know that while technically you can miss two classes, missing two  classes is like missing 2 weeks of class, thus two unexcused absences will affect your in-class participation grade.

What if I have to miss more than two classes?

These policies apply to “unexcused” absences.  Some absences are considered “excused” absences.   An excused absence is an absence that occurs as a result of a documented medical emergency (for you or your dependent); death in your immediate family; participation in approved Baruch athletics event; or the observation of religious holy days.  All excused absences must have documentation (i.e. note from doctor or coach) in order for these absences to be marked excused.

If I have excused absences, can I also have an extension on assignments due on those dates?

In regards to absences due to emergency situations, the most important thing is for you to make sure that you and your dependents are safe.  When your situation is better, you should come speak with the professor in order to see what kind of alternative work plans can be made.  Please note that depending on the severity of the emergency, it may be in the student’s best interest to consider withdrawing from the course.

Absences due to athletic or religious participation are not surprises; you should have made arrangements with the professor well before the due date or class time.  All other absences are unexcused.


How late can I be before I am counted tardy?

While emergencies happen, we do not have time for you to be seriously late all the time.  You are officially tardy when you arrive after I have taken attendance (which could be anywhere between the first 2-15 minutes).  No that policy is not consistent, but neither is it unfair.  Technically if you’re not there when class starts, you are late, so if you happen to come three minutes late on a day I take attendance five minutes in, then you got lucky.  Consider the inconsistency a random/possible gift, not a birthright.

How many times can I be tardy?

Every two times you are tardy, it counts as an unexcused absence.

What do I do if I am tardy?  

If you are late, you must make sure I mark you as Tardy at the end of class. It is not my responsibility to remember that you came in later.

What do if I do if I was tardy, but I forgot to tell you after class?

If I miss you, I will mark you absent.  (If for some reason, you forget to tell me at the end of class that you came late, you have 24 hours to notify me by email.  After 24 hours, you will need to have documented proof that you were in class in order for me to change the absence to a tardy).

What happens if I have too many tardies?

Every two times you are tardy, it counts as an unexcused absence. If you get one unexcused absence this way, it will affect your grade but will not necessarily put you over the line for a WU. If you receive two unexcused absences from tardiness (meaning you’ve been tardy six times), it may result in a WU.


What should I do if an assignment link isn’t working or I can’t open the file for the reading?

If a link to an assignment isn’t working or if an email file won’t open or you can’t find it in the bookstore, you should contact me immediately.   Waiting until class to let me know does no any good.   Also I expect you to be resourceful.  Many of the readings are out of copy right, which means they are available just by googling the source.  I have provided links for your convenience and to help us go to the same link, but if a link is not working, you should try googling the text, checking the Baruch/CUNY online databases, or going to the Baruch library.

What is the late policy for turning in assignments?

Assignments turned in after the due date are late, and I reserve the right to enforce the late penalty which is 1/3 of a letter grade for every day which the assignment is late.  (That means if the assignment would have gotten an A, but it’s a day late, it’ll receive an A-.  If it’s two days late, a B+, three days late, a B, and so on.)

Typically speaking I work with a bit of a grace period depending on when I am actually able to start grading, but that grace period is very slight, and you should not rely on it.

Can I ask for an extension?

If you think you may struggle to complete an assignment on time, you may ask for an extension.  Depending on the assignment, I  may not be able to grant one.  Also please notes, that extensions must be requested at least 30  hours before the due date.  I will not grant day of extensions except in the case of documented  emergency involving you or a legal dependent.  Request of an extension is not automatic guarantee that you will receive one, but you should ask if you think you need one.

Can I rewrite an assignment or a paper for a better grade?

Certain assignments cannot be made up like quizzes or group projects.   While the post will be late,  I will technically accept posts up until the reading period for the semester, but you will immediately be docked a grade for the lateness.  Final projects cannot be made up.   If you miss the day you are scheduled to make your History Paper Presentation, I will put you on a “standby” list.  This means if we have a free spot in a future class, I will call upon you to make your presentation.   I cannot guarantee that there will be an open time slot for you, hence “standby.”   I will on a case by case basis grant the opportunity to revise “The Monster Paper” assignment.  If you think you are a good candidate for revision, you must contact me no later than two days after  you received your grade.  If I grant permission for a revision, we will work out a revision plan and date, which will then be non-negotiable.  I take the highest grade [I do not average paper grades.]


Do I need a computer or laptop or special tools for this course?

The short answer is no because you can use Baruch computers to access all the materials, and you should be able to print out any readings.

However this class is hybrid, and much to all of the assignments and communications will be online (mostly via the class site, but sometimes via email), so regular access to the internet is helpful.  All the materials for this course are online for this course or will be emailed to you.   It is essential that you have access to reliable internet connection.  When it comes to communicating with groups and receiving class updates, I expect that you check your email at least once a day (excepting days of religious observances), which means that if I send a class email, I expect that you will receive and be able to respond to that email within 24-36 hours.

Can I Use My Smartphone in Class?

I encourage you to print out your readings or bring them on a larger device, however you can if you must use your smart phone in class to follow along with readings or online materials.

You cannot take notes on your smartphone.  If you need to take notes you should use good old fashion pen and paper or a laptop or tablet with a keyboard.   If it looks as if you are typing on your smartphone, I reserve the right to confiscate your phone until the end of class.

Note: If you are using a cellular or internet device in class, I expect your participation to be top notch.  If I ask how do we spell a word, or what year did X happen, you should Google the answer and help facilitate the class discussion.

When do I need to participate in online discussions?

You should read all posts for the online discussion every week for which there are posts  I reserve the right for pop quizzes.    In terms of posting a post, you will be required to post when your post group is assigned to post.  You will be divided into four post groups [Group A, B, C].  You are required to post the week your group is listed on the syllabus to post.  Your post should follow the guidelines for the post listed under the “Post and Comments” page.  All required posts for the week should be completed and published 24 hours before class,  so people have time to read the posts.  You  are responsible for making two substantial comments on your peers post before the end of the semester.

How do I get in touch with the professor outside of class?

After Class:   I will be available for a few minutes after class, for students who have quick questions, follow-up inquiries, or want to schedule an appointment.  For more involved questions, it’s best to attend office hours.  Please do not try to meet with me right before class.  While I am always happy to speak with you, I am preparing and setting up for class, and I cannot give you my full attention at this time.

Office Hours:    You can drop in or make an appointment to see me during my scheduled F2F office hours.  I will be in my office hours VC 7-298.   If you know you want to come to office hours, it is generally good to drop me a line telling me about what time you’re coming and what you’d like to talk about.  Not only does the head notice allow me (and you) to better  prepare, it also ensures that I don’t pop out to use the restroom right when you come and that you don’t have to wait on another student who came right before you.

Outside Office Hours:  While I will try to respond within 24 hours (and at times I will respond much more quickly than that), you should allow for 48 hours for any response.  This means do not wait until the last minute to contact me.  If you cannot make office hours, and you need to meet with me in person, you must make an appointment.

I emailed the professor, but I haven’t heard back, what should I do?

If 48 hours have not passed since you sent the email, you should be patient (see above).  If however, I have not responded to your email after 48 hours, you should respectfully email me again to follow up and/or approach me AFTER class.

If you are absent, it is your job to figure out what you missed. I will not give you an individual email instruction.  I do however update the syllabus, and I typically post and email the class about significant changes to assignments or due dates.

Cheating, Plagiarism, and Standard of Ethical Comportment

A complete statement on my expectations for how you will ethically and honestly conduct yourself in this class can be found here.

Special Needs

If you have a learning difference, emergency, religious obligation, student athlete commitment, or some other particular need that might need a particular accommodation, please click here.