As we prepare for the start of a new semester, we hope this poem by Professor Lewin will inspire you to win. This what we do.
by Dr. Arthur Lewin
Tell me, how is it possible
We can land a man on the moon
Send probes way, way out of the solar system
Spy on worlds impossibly distant in space and time
Produce the greatest network of universities, by far
But we can’t teach Johnny, Jamal and Jose to read?
Ignore those foolish, well paid, empty suits
Droning on about the failure of our schools
As if it’s a problem they really intend to solve.
Just as a people will have only as much tyranny as they will tolerate,
We’ll only have as much ignorance as we have a mind to put up with.
As in all things, it is up to us, the People, to set things straight.
Talk sense to any youngster within range.
Tell them about the stars in the heavens
And the ants in the grass.
Tell them about the brain
And its hemispheres
And all the stories
You have heard
Over the years.
Give them books about whatever they like.
Introduce them to biographies of athletes
Or romance novels or science fiction tales.
And when you watch the ballgame with them
Tell them why you see the man hit the ball
Show them how batting averages, ERAs
And shooting percentages are made.
Write them stories and musings, and make it a point to ask
What have they written, or would like to put on the page.
Take them to the bookstore and the library
And read the newspapers together.
Open the door to knowledge
Please, don’t believe the hype!
Like kids all around the world
They have a great thirst to learn.
Try and slake it, but you can’t.
For knowledge is a hunger
That grows the more