What do you know about Delores Huerta?
Dolores Huerta (b. 1930) is a powerful labor organizer, Chicana civil rights leader, and feminist activist. In the 1960s, Dolores Huerta, along with César Chávez, united Mexican, Mexican-American and Filipino farmworkers and founded the United Farmworker Union (UFW) in central California. Huerta led the struggle to organize exploited migrant farmworkers who worked in abysmal conditions in agricultural fields and who had little to no access to running water or restrooms while doing the backbreaking labor of harvesting food for the nation and earning unjust low pay. She helped orchestrate one of the most successful worker’s rights victories in history, the Delano Grape Strike (1965-1970).
And guess what? Delores Huerta coined the term, “Si, se puede”. (Yes, you can).