BEST AD- “Halloween GIM”
This ad decided to use the appeal of the popular horror It movie by adapting it to their advertisement. The ad has a black background with a prominent yellow raincoat facing the It clown shrouded in darkness mostly visible by his murky red balloon. The lettering for the ad is in the same type of unsettling scratchy font as visible in the It movie. The ad also perfectly fit the theme of the horror flick because it was for a Halloween party at Baruch hosted on October 31st. The likely intended audience was for Baruch students who would roam the halls and be persuaded to attend the party. The purpose of the ad was to raise awareness for the party hosted by the club and increase popularity for the club as well.
The explicit meaning of the ad is that there is a Halloween party on October 31st during club hours. The implicit meaning is that the fear of the It movie will drive you into the Halloween spirit and if you enjoyed the movie, as millions have, associate those positive messages with the party and club. The extended meaning is that horror movies can transcend to the physical world through imaginative themes such as parties at Baruch. (A stretch, I know).
WORSE AD- “Halloween Photography Workshop”
This ad was made by the Baruch Photography Club for their Halloween photography workshop. There is a standard Windows 97 computer background stained orange. In front of it is an error message stating the words Halloween Photography Workshop. There is also a ton of white barely legible words in the bottom right corner providing details for the event. The intended audience is anyone at Baruch interested in photography and computer editing. The purpose was to raise awareness for the club and their event.