All posts by m.biby

About m.biby


My Reflection on Election Day

People probably would not believe me if they knew that I woke up on Election Day singing “You’re a Grand Old Flag”. I was so excited to vote for the first time, and it was evident. I dressed in red white and blue and triple checked to make sure I took proper identification with me. I even packed my polaroid camera because I intended on taking a picture after my first time voting.

As the day went, I could not wait for classes to be over. I was so excited to get out and vote. My parents voted early in the day to avoid lines and I met up with my oldest sister and voted with her. The entire moment was especially meaningful because I got to vote in my elementary school. I had not been in the cafeteria of PS69 in years. Eight years later and I was back in the cafeteria voting for the president of the United States.

From what started off as a great day, ended as a very depressing one. With CNN playing in the background I was having multiple conversations. I was talking with my parents, my siblings, my roommate, my friends in college (even some who are in colleges in other countries). It was as if the world were coming to an end. We were freaking out. I could not take the suspense anymore and eventually fell asleep. The next day was the gloomiest day I had ever experienced in my life.

The next morning, New York City cried. It rained all day and every single New Yorker I saw was upset. It was a depressing day and I really had to think about what it means to have a Trump presidency. What was even more depressing was when we had our politics class a few days later. It was in this class that we truly uncovered everything at risk. The only thing this leaves me at currently is that people have to be more united than they ever have before. Education and unification is the key.

Comparing The Major Scandals

Throughout the 2016 presidential election, there has been a lot of back and forth regarding both sides, Clinton and Trump. To be completely honest, I get most of my information regarding the election, first off, from Facebook. Now, I know this sounds dumb, and so “millennial”. However, it is amazing how much coverage the election has gotten through social media, that the teen friends I have alternate between sharing funny memes and expressing their political positions in this election. It is through all these posts that I keep up to date on what has been going on. The one thing that stands out the most, is the conversation regarding the scandals both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are involved in.

These scandals are defining characteristics in this election, especially since it is how people tend to defend their candidate and oppose the other. There has been an abundance of articles, comedy skits, and class discussion on the plethora of Trump scandals. However, there will always be one mention of Hillary Clinton’s emails. I find it so appalling that one could overlook Trump’s scandals, pushing forth the idea that Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is way too bad on her part, so bad that she is unfit for President.

It is especially ridiculous because Trump’s scandals cover a wide array of topics, all of which are very concerning. These same scandals and his revolting comments make hime extremely unfit for presidency. However, it is still put aside to put Hillary down. T

This video with Seth Meyers (starting from 6:17) really shows exactly what I believe is happening on both sides of the election. He exaggerates that it is too hard to choose between Clinton and Trump. He gives and insight into the cons of both candidates, Hillary’s being under federal investigation, and Trump’s overabundance of cons.

This being said, I personally think that Hillary’s email scandal is definately worth talking about. However, in comparison to Donald Trump, it is unfair to her and to the rest of the Unites States, to pretend that everything that Donald Trump says and does is okay.

Role Models

I chose to do a rhetorical analysis on this video because I felt that it was really moving. This video focuses on Donald Trump and shows how he is a bad candidate for the president of the Unites States. It does so by including snippets of his crude and inappropriate comments and the image of young children watching him. It is very obvious that the audience that this is intended for are voters who are also parents. It is clearly showing that as a parent, a chid should not look up to someone as hateful as him.

This anti-Trump ad works using both pathos and ethos. Pathos is used to evoke an emotional response from the audience and this ad does so. By including certain quotes from him and young children viewing it, it really shows how inappropriate it is. This evokes an emotional response from parents who do not want their children to look up to this. Ethos is the idea of mobilizing the audience’s sense of right and wrong. This ad really shows that it is obviously wrong to see a role model in Donald Trump. It does not necessarily “right” to see one in Hillary Clinton, according to this video, but it is very clearly anti-Trump.

I think it is interesting to note that a lot of the ads in this election have been very fast-paced. This particular video, however, is not as fast-paced as the others. I think it is because most other videos appeal to a younger demographic, while this one appeals to an older generation amongst those who are parents. It is also important to note the language used by Trump and the language used by Clinton. This video features quotes from Trump in which he is clearly inappropriate, while Clinton’s dialogue is much more appropriate.

Overall, I think this video was very effective. This presidency has been very comedic, because it is ridiculous that we have someone like Donald Trump in the running to be the president. It gets very serious when you actually think that someone like him could be the president of the United States. This video really makes people think, this is who kids are going to be look up to. It sends a very strong message regarding what kind of person should be the president, someone who can be a role model for all the children of the US.


My America monologues

After watching a handful of monologues from the My America series, I decided to write about “A.K.A” by Melanie Marnich. This monologue hooked me in because I found it to be really relatable. It starts off with the actress saying that she is Melanie Marnich, but at the same time, she is not Melanie Marnich. After going through chapters of her life, I learn what she means by this.

After learning about her parents being immigrants in the United States and the fact that her grandfather was “a tyrant who starved and beat his children”, we learn that her father changed his name and his attitude to live a better life. In other words, he tried to achieve what is known as, “the American dream.”

When asked about what is her America, she has the same response I do. Born and raised in America, an American, it feels odd and silly to answer the question. The path in which she took to answer this question, helped me answer it as well.

This monologue struck a chord with me because my parents moved to the United States about 20 years ago in hopes of providing a better future for me and my siblings. My America is my parents hard work, dreams, and aspirations.