Role Models

I chose to do a rhetorical analysis on this video because I felt that it was really moving. This video focuses on Donald Trump and shows how he is a bad candidate for the president of the Unites States. It does so by including snippets of his crude and inappropriate comments and the image of young children watching him. It is very obvious that the audience that this is intended for are voters who are also parents. It is clearly showing that as a parent, a chid should not look up to someone as hateful as him.

This anti-Trump ad works using both pathos and ethos. Pathos is used to evoke an emotional response from the audience and this ad does so. By including certain quotes from him and young children viewing it, it really shows how inappropriate it is. This evokes an emotional response from parents who do not want their children to look up to this. Ethos is the idea of mobilizing the audience’s sense of right and wrong. This ad really shows that it is obviously wrong to see a role model in Donald Trump. It does not necessarily “right” to see one in Hillary Clinton, according to this video, but it is very clearly anti-Trump.

I think it is interesting to note that a lot of the ads in this election have been very fast-paced. This particular video, however, is not as fast-paced as the others. I think it is because most other videos appeal to a younger demographic, while this one appeals to an older generation amongst those who are parents. It is also important to note the language used by Trump and the language used by Clinton. This video features quotes from Trump in which he is clearly inappropriate, while Clinton’s dialogue is much more appropriate.

Overall, I think this video was very effective. This presidency has been very comedic, because it is ridiculous that we have someone like Donald Trump in the running to be the president. It gets very serious when you actually think that someone like him could be the president of the United States. This video really makes people think, this is who kids are going to be look up to. It sends a very strong message regarding what kind of person should be the president, someone who can be a role model for all the children of the US.


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