All posts by y.kim14

About y.kim14


Blog Post #2: Trump Presidency

It has been 10 days since the election. There has been and still are lots of talk about the result of the election. Many people are not accepting Donald Trump as president. Thousands of protesters have taken their frustration over Trump’s victory  onto the streets. People are voicing concern that a Trump presidency would infringe on American civil rights and liberties. There are many ongoing protest in hope to impeach Donald Trump. At first, I was thinking if this is necessary.  Although I am not satisfied with the outcome of the election, I wondered how bad a Trump presidency can be.

I was completely wrong.

One day after Donald Trump was elected as president, there has been so many Trump-inspired incidents. One that shocked me the most happened in my neighborhood. A few students from Fresh Meadows Catholic high school made discriminatory comments towards other students on a MTA bus.  This is what happened:

“I was on the bus and this group of girls from St. Francis Prep get on. They look around and looked at me and said ‘Aren’t you people suppose to be sitting in the back of bus?’
I looked around and saw that there were mainly black and Hispanic people sitting in the middle of the the bus. I asked this girl to repeat herself and she says
‘Aren’t you supposed to be sitting in the back of the bus now? Like Trump is president!’”

I was utterly shocked when I saw this post.  It was ONLY ONE DAY after the election when this happened. I am truly frightened especially because this happened in my neighborhood. I am worried that my family and my friends might experience this. If my neighborhood, a place I lived in for more than 10 years , isn’t safe I do not know what I’m suppose to do.  I came to the realization that it is necessary and crucial to protest against Trump. Everyone should get more involved. More incidents like this is occurring.  Muslim women are getting attacked for wearing headscarves. Women are getting insulted and looked down on. There was one incident that I personally witnessed that was appalling.  As I was waiting for the 7 train, a man started insulting and pointing at every women in the station and said he is allowed to do this now that Trump is president. It’s ridiculous that women have to fear for their safety in America. Everyone should be allowed to exercise their rights and freedom without fear or influence. I am beyond frightened for what’s to come in the future.


blog post #1

In the third presidential debate, Donald Trump refused to accept the results of the election.  Trump stated that the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and they poison the minds of the voters. He even stated that Hillary Clinton should not be allowed to run because she is guilty of a very serious crime. Trump’s refusal received heavy criticism.  I think that it is outrageous for Trump to say that he has so little faith in this country and he won’t accept the results if he loses. As a presidential candidate he should be respecting the country and its democracy, not discrediting it. It shows that Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton, is not qualified to run for president.  He is belittling and talking down on our democracy.  President Obama even showed disapproval of Trump as he states,  “when you’re whining before the game is even finished shows that you’re not up for the job.”  In Trump’s universe, he is always the winner and now that he is falling behind in the polls, his only answer to his defeat is fraud. As Clinton mentioned in the debate, every time Trump loses or something is not in favor of him, he claims that it is “rigged.” I feel like this debate clearly show that Trump is not qualified to run for president. His mindset is completely wrong.  How can someone who is looking down on American Democracy become president? It just doesn’t make any sense. I literally scoffed at his position and dismayed that a presidential candidate is unwilling to concede for the good of the country that has been part of the US  tradition for years. The acceptance of the election results is fundamental to our democracy. If Trump does not win the election, it is most definitely not because the presidential campaign is rigged but because he failed as a candidate. He was never prepared to become our leader.

political rhetoric

Hillary Clinton’s campaign ad called Mirrors shows girls looking at themselves in the mirror with Donald Trump’s degrading comments about women, such as “she’s a slob”, “she ate like a pig”, and “a person who is flat-chested is hard to be ten,” playing the background. In the ad, an interviewer ask him if he respects women and he responds with “I can’t say that either.” The ad ends with  a question, ” Is this the president we want our daughters?”  I chose this ad because I got enraged from watching Donald  Trump  make such insulting comments towards women. There are so many women in the United States that suffer from anorexia and get bullied for their appearances and this ad highlights the absolute lack of respect Trump has for women.  Also, it is a clever idea of Clinton to  use Trump’s past misogyny against women to put her in a more favorable position. The ad uses all three modes of persuasion to convince the audience.  In terms of logos, it is logical for people to vote for Clinton over a racist and sexist Donald Trump who has no respect for women.  There is pathos evident in the campaign ad. It evokes an emotional response from the audience, especially women who are continuously attacked and mistreated by Trump. For example, after watching this ad I was agitated by Trump’s offensive remarks. The ad sheds negative light on Trump. As for ethos, the ad clearly emphasizes why Donald Trump  should not be president which mobilizes the audience’s sense of right and wrong. The uses of these rhetoric was to convince  people to not vote for Donald Trump. The intended audience is most likely women because the ad  is displaying clips of Trump insulting women. It is also targeting parents because the question asked at the end of the clip is for the parents to decide whether they want their children (daughters) to live under a president who doesn’t have respect for women. I think this piece of rhetoric is effective because it shows Trump demeaning women and most importantly how young girls would feel under a Donald Trump presidency.  It gives a acceptable reason why we should not vote for Donald Trump.

one evening on the #14 bus by Christina Anderson

After watching all fifty videos,the one I have found the most gripping is” One evening on the #14 bus” by Christina Anderson.  The monologue starts with a woman, performed by  Pascale Armand, asking many people on the bus if she can use their phone to make a quick phone call to  her sister.  She claims it is an emergency because she needs to get in contact with her sister who is about to leave because of a mistake she had made. She yearns to apologize to her sister. However, as expected, everyone is not lending her the phone. Her comments such as ,” I’m not a thief”, “I’m not crazy”, and “I’m not dirty,” emphasizes the sad  reality of insensitivity and disinterest people have for others. Even though the actress yearns for borrowing a phone to make a emergency phone call, everyone is indifferent and unconcerned. This type of apathy from the people around you can be also highlighted by how the people in the video were taking pictures to upload on social media to ridicule the woman.

This specific monologue left a strong impression on me because I can relate to her experience so well. Feeling neglected is very common in America. People can be so  cold and could care less about others.  There are countless amount of times when I felt like a disturbance because of the indifference of others.