blog post #1

In the third presidential debate, Donald Trump refused to accept the results of the election.  Trump stated that the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and they poison the minds of the voters. He even stated that Hillary Clinton should not be allowed to run because she is guilty of a very serious crime. Trump’s refusal received heavy criticism.  I think that it is outrageous for Trump to say that he has so little faith in this country and he won’t accept the results if he loses. As a presidential candidate he should be respecting the country and its democracy, not discrediting it. It shows that Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton, is not qualified to run for president.  He is belittling and talking down on our democracy.  President Obama even showed disapproval of Trump as he states,  “when you’re whining before the game is even finished shows that you’re not up for the job.”  In Trump’s universe, he is always the winner and now that he is falling behind in the polls, his only answer to his defeat is fraud. As Clinton mentioned in the debate, every time Trump loses or something is not in favor of him, he claims that it is “rigged.” I feel like this debate clearly show that Trump is not qualified to run for president. His mindset is completely wrong.  How can someone who is looking down on American Democracy become president? It just doesn’t make any sense. I literally scoffed at his position and dismayed that a presidential candidate is unwilling to concede for the good of the country that has been part of the US  tradition for years. The acceptance of the election results is fundamental to our democracy. If Trump does not win the election, it is most definitely not because the presidential campaign is rigged but because he failed as a candidate. He was never prepared to become our leader.

2 thoughts on “blog post #1

  1. I completely agree with everything you mentioned in your post. In fact, this reminded me of the LA Times Editorial Board’s editorial that we read in class where the team argued the notion that Trump himself does not even consider America to be great, given by his slogan “Make America Great Again”. I also think that he is undermining our very essence of a democracy by his own egotistical and selfish mindset when he insists that if he loses the election, then it must be rigged. This claim is ridiculous and just goes to show how much of a sore loser Trump actually is. Perhaps Trump may lose the election. In this case, it will not be a “fraud” and it is not “rigged”. Maybe the American citizens just exercised their right to vote, and chose not to have such a character with outlandish and crude remarks lead our democratic country. As such, I concur with your belief and can empathize with your frustration over the issue of Trump and his seemingly blatant lack of qualification.

  2. I definitely agree with everything being said here. The truth of the matter is, that Trump was never qualified to begin with. You don’t even have to pay close attention to the debates to realize that he is not qualified to be up on that stage! In every instance, it seems like a petty catfight. Given, if he were an actual respectable candidate, I think the debates would be much more civil. That being said, he is just clearly not qualified. His entire campaign undermines the Unites States and everything it has stood for. It’s ridiculous that he has gotten as far as he has while undermining the very foundation of this country.

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