Sherman Powell’s commentary on Vet Story

The monologue that most interested me was the Vet Story by Seema Sueko. It interested me because when I watched it many people came to mind. The monologue itself was about a veteran who fought in Afghanistan and now has a hard time intergrating back into notmal society. He struggles to interact  with his family as he does not want them to see him as a killer. Despite his efforts, he unintentionally hits his daughter when she triggers a flash back from the war. Although he is proud to be a solider, he claims that he has lost his innocence in the call of duty. Essentially, he realized that even though the war has ended, his life will never be the same.

While watching the monologue I began to think about my grandparents, those on my father’s side. I never had the oppurtunity to meet them as they died before I was born. They lived in Jamaica and were police officers. Unfortunately they were unable to spend much time with their families because of their professions. They would only eat after they had finished working and they almost always put their job before their health. While they were honored for protecting their community, they had to sacrifice their personal lives in order to do so. This also makes me worry about my friends who have chosen to join the military after graduating high school. I hope that the experience of being a part of the army strengthens them instead of harming them.

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