Blog Post #2

As Election Day approaches, some of us may come to think before we cast our votes, “How did we manage to end up with these two?” And for the obvious answer, Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump were the favorites for their representing parties. Throughout the entire election process, there has been a lot of arguing on behalf of both sides, on whether who is the more “evil” between the two candidates.

Hillary Clinton has been called out on many things such as her management of the Benghazi attack, the us of donations from the Clinton Foundation, and the most recent incident, her use of personal email servers for classified emails. The Benghazi attack Clinton was a part of resulted in the death of several American soldiers. During Clinton’s visit to Benghazi, she states that she was under fire and had to take cover upon arriving, but video evidence shows her greeting and taking pictures with others. Many have called this a cover-up for lying and for her failure to do her job. In regards to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton made statements, saying that she would distance herself from the Clinton Foundation as well as limit foreign donations. However, she has failed to live up to her statements again as it was found that Clinton was granting favors to major Clinton Foundation donors and received millions of donations from foreign governments. Finally, the latest e-mail scandal that emerged as a result of Hillary’s carelessness, leaked through wikileaks which revealed her use of a personal email-server rather than a government-authorized server.

Donald J Trump has been called out on his lack of morals, hypocrisies, and recent voice clips of him being sexually assertive over women. Donald Trump’s campaign revolves around the slogan “Make America Great Again”, while kicking out all Mexicans as they are labeled as rapist and drug dealers, and keeping out all Muslims from America, as they are labeled as terrorist. What he attempts to gain by saying this is to have Americans who feel that their opportunities were stolen by “non-Americans” vote for him and to not allow cultural diffusion. Many jobs are also outsourced to outside places because of the cheap production cost which Donald Trump does as well, so by definition, he is a leading cause as to why immigrants are stealing “American jobs”. The recent voice clips leaked about Donald Trump contain him speaking about how he is able to sexually harass women because he is rich and famous and wouldn’t face repercussions.

Tl;dr, vote for who you believe is the best for the country, not because of who is of lesser evil or who you hate more.

2 thoughts on “Blog Post #2

  1. Honestly speaking, I have very little interest in the political realm.I never showed any interest in the past presidential elections, however this presidential election is beyond surprising and captured my attention. Like you have mentioned, how did we end up with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as our presidential candidates? Like many others, I believe both candidates are not suitable to become president. Many people are thinking about who they shouldn’t vote for instead of who they should vote for, which I think is a big problem. In class, we looked at a bunch of campaign ads and most of it were anti-Trump or anti-Hillary ads. I find this to be very inappropriate. I think that they should of focused on advertising their owns strengths instead of bashing the other candidate. There are many reasons why Trump and Clinton are unfit to be president of the United States. Clinton is “corrupt” and Trump is “corrupt and ignorant.” If they truly care about the people and our democracy, they should of removed themselves from the election and let a qualified candidate take their place. It is disappointing and absurd that these two were our top presidential candidates and one of them will be our leader. It sad to think that people had to choose the “less” evil one.

  2. You are totally correct. Both Canidates seem unfit for the job. In order to not ruin the election we must Vote for the best and not against the worst

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