Blog Post #2: A Democratic Failure

President Trump. This entire mess is something that we are going to have to endure a while. After receiving 276 electoral votes, it seems our country has exercised its democratic voice and elected Trump as our leader. Throughout this entire race, people always feared and toyed with the absurd hypothetical notion that Trump–a reality TV star–may be our future leader. Although Clinton does have her fair share of haters, many assumed that our former Secretary of State would win this election by a landslide. However, in our present reality, this is not the case.

Did America, as a democracy, really just fail itself? Trump, who has effectively split not only the country, but also his own party, ran his campaign as an open racist, bigot, and misogynist. What does this say about us, specifically our central states, considering the fact that we were the ones who voted him in to be our leader? I recall my father, a registered Republican, telling me that he did not vote because he also does not think Trump is fit to be our president. “The stock market does not like uncertainty,” my father additionally kept uttering this remark as he was positive that the DOW would considerably drop should Trump be elected, and lo-and-behold he was right.

Should we re-evaluate our very essence of democracy? Trump, the very man who has called our system rigged, has just won in this “rigged system” and that is something we should be concerned about. According to Google, Clinton received 59,436,370 votes while Trump received 59,244,709 votes. Despite this, Trump got more electoral votes, but I wonder–since Trump won, will he do anything about this so-called “rigged system” of a democracy? Or, will he claim that America’s system is no longer rigged, since he won.

No matter the outcome of our next few years, in regards to voicing democracy, this could definitely be considered by some to be a colossal democratic failure. But who is to blame?

2 thoughts on “Blog Post #2: A Democratic Failure

  1. I was extremely shocked at Donald Trump’s victory as well. I don’t think anyone wasn’t shocked. I wasn’t even anxious about the election because I thought Hillary Clinton would definitely win. All I can say is that the 2016 campaign was awful. How can Donald Trump become president? He has no respect for women, jeered at disabled people, called Latinos immigrants rapists an criminals, lack of experience, insane policy proposals,etc. I’m just worried about the future of our country. Fearful of what he might do.
    Instead of blaming someone for the result or claiming to move to another country, I think we should get more involved. Maybe that was the reason Trump won. We are ignorant when it comes to politics.

  2. I liked how you reference Trump and his campaign. Everything was true and we dont hear him talking about rigged elctions anymore. At the end of the day, it is us Americans that voted him in to office so we must deal with the out come.

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