Christopher Peralta (About me)

My name is Christopher Peralta, a first generation student and I am currently attending Baruch College with an experience of Merchant Cash Advances (MCA), business loans, and lines of credit lending. My story of trying to overcome adversity and then contributing to the success of local businesses is just the start of my journey. Living in shelter homes as a child, and now being a part of a team that funds over 2 million dollars in a month to support businesses across the United States at 18, this is only the beginning As long as I continue to pursue my passion for the finance industry, I am confident that I can continue to make a positive difference in the world while pushing myself beyond what is expected of me. In terms of food I love meat and pasta due to the fact it goes with anything. What I mean by that is with pasta there is a variety of things you can add which will taste fantastic. Examples are (Hot sauce, CHEESE, tuna, lettuce) Much more and same goes with meat. There is difference types of meat I love beef, steak, salami, meatballs, pork, and sausage; the variety is amazing and love eating it. I would not say I am picky even though I met a lot of people that are picky however I am not. So there is no food that I do not like, that can also prove my grateful attitude that I have. The image that speaks to me is sunsets in New York City. I love the city and I would want to stay here in the future especially in Soho. In this life of uncertainty and danger, it is good to appreciate the beautiful things in life which was my thought process when trying to choose a picture.

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