Monthly Archives: February 2019

How are courtesans represented in the story? Why do you think Feng Menglong chooses to depict them this way?

The story “Du Tenth Sinks The Jewel Box In Anger” was written in the 17th century and actually published in 1624. Feng Menglong, the author of the story, had access to classical Chinese, yet depicts the story in a vernacular language. As the date suggests, the story was written hundreds of years ago when courtesans (prostitutes) in particular had no freedom/independence of their own and were not considered up-to-the-mark as compared to the ordinary people (in short, got no respect from anybody). I have come up to this conclusion because Du Mei, a.k.a Du Tenth, who is described as such an adorable person inside out  in the story had to struggle so much to buy her freedom which wasn’t long-lived. In my opinion, Feng Menglong chooses to depict ‘courtesans’ this way in the story to highlight how they are not any different from any other person yet they are treated so differently. For instance, Du Tenth had been feeding the madam off her services for so long but still she had to convince the madam to set her free in exchange of a price. Moreover, when Li Jia headed out for help to gather the money, everybody refused thinking of his situation as “just an excuse to get money to enjoy with that whore”. In return of it all, it turns out that even though Du Mei was a prostitute by profession, she was more genuine and loyal than Li Jia who is convinced by a stranger to separate from Du Tenth. Also, when Du Tenth decides to see her sisters before she sets off for the journey with Li Jia, we find that her sisters celebrate her independence and upcoming journey wit Li Jia in the best way possible and also provide her supplies which would help her and Master Li throughout their journey. Overall, the role of courtesans in the story was very significant and mind-changing about facts such as a courtesan is not trustworthy, loyal, or worthy of anything.

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Hello! My name is Anthony Arines, but my friends call me Tony. I’m a US Navy veteran and this is my 3rd attempt at finishing my bachelor’s degree. I’ve been going to school on and off for the last 6 years. I did a lot of traveling around the country for my last job and finally decided to settle down and finish my education. I grew up in Brooklyn, but have lived all over the country. California is my second favorite state, with New York being the first. I love meeting people, traveling, writing, photography and outdoor activities. I’m very excited to be a student again and I’m slowly getting back into the groove of things. New York City has definitely changed since the last time I lived here in 2009, but at least we still have some of the best pizza this world has to offer!

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The main character in this play, Tartuffe exemplifies extreme religious hypocrisy in more ways than one. Through the entirety of this work Tartuffe continuously contradicts his supposed Catholic values by committing sinful acts against a multitude of the included characters. One of the most obvious examples of this in the play is his lustful behavior toward Elmire regardless of her clear disinterest. A secondary illustration of the outward religious hypocrisy of Tartuffe is his use of severe manipulation to persuade Orgon into trusting him around his family and eventually with his estate. An example of modern day religious hypocrisy similar to this is the way that some higher powers in the Catholic community have been known to use their power for their own advancement. This can occur when the member of the community uses their status as a spiritual being and leader in the church maliciously to acquire more followers or wealth using these false pretenses.

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Hi, my name is Shinelle. I’m a business major specializing in Human Resources Managemebt. I am a transfer student from B.C.C and this is my first semester at Baruch. I am 21 years old and I pride myself in being a hard worker and one that is willing to go the extra mile to excel. I hope to learn great things this semester both from out learned professor and from my fellow classmates as well. All the best this semester guys.

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Hello, my name is Aida Sadio. Y. BIKIENGA. I’m 23 years old. I’m from Burkina faso I move to the USA three year ago for my studies. I’m a transferred student from ASA College. I have earn my Associate degree at ASA college and now I’m doing my bachelor and my major is accounting. My first language is french and i’m still learning English. I have a bad oral communication but I love maths and physics.

This is my second semester at Baruch I took fall last semester in which it was pretty interesting. I did good for my classes and I made a lot of friends. I currently live in the Bronx with my Mom  and I love cooking.  I’m looking forward to learn in this spring class and see what Baruch has to offers on my journey.


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Hi! My name is Chris Colavito and i am a junior. I am 23 years old and I transferred to Baruch this semester to pursue a degree in Finance. I live in Levittown out on Long Island, and transferred out from Nassau Community College. In my early college life i was very unsure of myself and decided to take what in my opinion was the easy way out and go for a criminal justice. After being accepted in the Department of Corrections academy i realized that the field was not for me and that i should chase my real dreams in finance and in particular Investment banking. What better more cost efficient school than Baruch’s Zicklin School of Business? Although i commute out from Nassau County it is a decision i gladly made to better my future. I definitely lived it up while i could during the school break, I traveled to Vegas a couple of times to visit a friend who moved there. I am motivated and excited to put forth my best effort here at Baruch college.

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Hello everyone, my name is Le Qi, coming from china, and I am 21 years old. By the way, Le means ‘happiness’ in Chinese. I am a transfer student form southwestern university of economy and finance (it’s in china). I decided to further my study in accounting major in baruch during my third year in university. Actually, this is my first time been to USA and I have to say that there are a lot differences between China and USA.

Outside school, I am a huge fan of diving. I get my ow(stands for open water) certification at my 18 in Malaysia. Then after one year, I get my advanced divers certification. During last summer, I eventually passed the exam and get the advanced open water certification in cancun. In fact, I am planning to go to Palau and try cave diving and see if I can get the rescue diver certification with my friends during this spring break.

There are several good reasons why I love diving so much. First, I was born in a small town nearby the sea, and I am raised in there until I was 7. During my entire childhood, I spend whole day watching the sea, playing at beach. Thus, i guess that I am emotionally attached to sea and diving is apparently the best way to get close the sea and study sea. Although my family moved to shanghai soon after my birth. Another reason is that the view in the sea is stunning. Also,you will see lot of beautiful sea creatures, such as Sponge, octopus, jellyfishes, coral and even whale and sharks if you get lucky. Last, it feels like on the different planet when I am under the sea. You can hear hardly nothing expect your breath. This kind of silence makes me think that I am separated from human civilization and actually makes me think about my life.

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Hi everyone, my name is Christopher Toohey. I am 21 years old and this is my first semester at Baruch. I am a transfer student from Westchester Community College majoring in Finance. I live just outside of the city in Harrison where I grew up. It is about 40 minutes from the city, so the commute isn’t bad at all. It is great being so close to the city but also being able to get away from all the chaos. Throughout elementary school and middle school I played many sports: baseball, hockey, soccer, football, wrestling and basketball. I am a very active person and you can always find me at the gym! One of the few things I absolutely hate is being bored at home, I always try to keep myself busy with different activities. I enjoy outside activities, during the summer I like to go on hikes (Bear Mountain & Anthony’s Nose is a great place!), runs in the woods and riding quads with my friends. During the winter I snowboard – I have been snowboarding since a young age, I started skiing but after a couple of years I picked up snowboarding and fell in love with it. I go to Hunter Mountain often and whenever I find the time to I take the trip to Vermont for the weekend.

When it comes to school, my strength lies in mathematics and communication. Now that I am in a different college I look forward to being more involved in student activities as well as in my classes. I was an orientation leader at WCC and I had an amazing experience being involved on campus so I am hoping to have the same, if not a better experience here. I am also looking to join some clubs around campus, being involved makes studying that much better! I’m excited to be going to school in the city and making new friends. I’m a very outgoing person and I love to meet new people and get to know them! I also love to help people whenever I can, I am always willing to lend a hand when possible.


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Hello, my name is Christian Hernandez and this is my first semester here at Baruch. I am a transfer from Suffolk County Community College majoring in Marketing. I was born in Los Angeles, California but am a New Yorker nonetheless, I moved to Long Island when I was 3 and wouldn’t have want it any other way. I have been very indecisive in my educational career as I’ve explored many majors in the past few years. Straight out of high school I lived in Boston for 2 years studying architecture, though I enjoyed many aspects of the city and my major things changed and I moved back home. That’s where I continued my schooling at Suffolk as a visual arts student, I was always drawn to the arts and being able to have a sense of creativity. I enjoy going to museums and concerts which are more reasons why I love New York, though I am from Long Island I always ventured off into the city and Brooklyn area. Being a visual arts student was short lived and I soon majored in computer science for a few semesters which somehow led to accounting. I was trying to find a major to best suit me but make a profitable career out of it I lost my sense of connectivity on what would make me happy. I soon came across Baruch and I’ve never felt so certain that this is where I want to be, with my intended major I am able to put all that I’ve learned together and hopefully one day work with a creative platform and team. I am looking forward to whats ahead and what Baruch has to offer as well as our class this spring semester.

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Hello, my name is Brian Moran.  I am 22 years old and have just recently transferred to Baruch from Westchester Community College.  I am majoring in Corporate Communications during my time at Baruch.  I live just outside of the city in Yonkers.  Along with attending school, I also work at a gym and at a bar called The Brazen Fox on the weekends.  I attended high school in the Bronx and after graduating I attended SUNY Cortland.  I spent a year at Cortland and felt that it was not the right fit for me so I transferred to a school closer to home.  After transferring to Westchester Community College, I was able to complete the requirements for an Assosciates Degree in Liberal Arts.  I am excited to now be in Baruch and learn more under the Corporate Communications major.  I hope to complete my major and work in the public relations field, preferably for corporate media or for a hospital.

Some things I enjoy doing in my free time are playing rugby, playing basketball, and travelling.  I mostly travel to visit family in Ireland because both my parents are from there.  Along with school and work, I am also training and hope to make the newly founded professional rugby team in New York.  I look forward to learning more about everyone through their introductions and hope each person has a good semester.

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