
Journey Through New York City


  1. Central Park

“I loafe and invite my soul,

I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.” (Walt Whitman, Song of Myself)

My heart was into peace when I went to the park. I listen to the world around me. The birds singed on the trees. The cicadas were in ‘creak’ to call. People rowed on the glistening water, and the shadow of thick trees made water to dark green. People stopped their hasty footstep to relax themselves. I lie down myself under the shadow of trees with everyone to look every piece leaves and the clear blue sky, my soul fly between the blue sky and the trees for freely.

Parents brought their children to enjoy beautiful sun shine. The basket filled food for their picnic plan in the park. The families and friends sat together chatting, and they share their foods and experience. Some people just took off their shoes to walk around on the lawn and to close the nature and summer grass. People’s soul were invite to visit the nature and to feel that the nature give with our wonderful view.

  1. Time Square

“…I hear all sounds running together, combined, fused or following,

Sounds of the city and sounds out of the city, sounds of the day and night…” (Walt Whitman, Song of Myself)

Walking on the Times Square, you can discover that people always are hurrying to fro in the street. Some of them take picture with cartoon characters or others. The taxis and sightseeing bus work through the Times Square and the city streets every day. In the night of the Times Square, the street brightly light and humming with traffic, and New Yorker talked their experiences of this day and moon after school and work. The thousand and hundreds of tourists amazed about how this city is so prosperous. The cartoon character and topless women solicit their business on the Times Square. The policemen on the street maintain security for New Yorker and every visitor. The performers play their music to looking the passing vehicles and people. Every kind of sounds revolves around in the Times Square: the sound of the cars horns; the sound of crowds; the sound of advertising on liquid crystal display; the sound of yo-heave-ho; the sound of music. From day and night in the Times Square, the place is always crowded and every kind of sound surround with people and city.

  1. Rockaway Beach

“Here, O Sariputra, form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form; emptiness does not differ from form, form does not differ from emptiness, whatever is emptiness, that is form, the same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness.” (The Heart Sutra)

Watching boundless ocean, human just a small animals in the world. Our thinking and emotions are so tiny and insignificant to this endless ocean. The ocean can easily swallow everything from us even our life. We are nothing to the ocean, and big sea wave can clean anything that we left on the beach. Nothing leaves on the beach when the ocean calm down. The ocean can be fearful, but also ocean can be peaceable to try to calm your restless heart. People sat down on the beach to look sunset and sunrise, and the beginning of a day and the end of the day. The ocean provides foods and resources for human, as a mother fosters her children. People enjoy her embrace and to play with her, but also people never forget that they can be nothing to her.