Girl Assignment

I know the kind of women I am becoming. I’m not sorry but I AM pleased to inform you that I am NOT becoming that slut you think I am. Although I have learned many things from you and am appreciative of them all, let’s analyze you for a second. Answer me this question, when was the last time you set the table for breakfast or dinner or any damn meal of the day? When was the last time you washed the white clothes on a Monday and put them on a stone heap? But most importantly, when will you stop looking at me, and take a long look at the mirror and judge yourself?

Does telling me the obvious give you some type of satisfaction? The day will come in which I will no longer be around to get judged by you, and that will be the day that you will drown in your own loneliness and depression. Therefor I will be the one to tell you to make sure you clean everyday even if its with your own tears.

Remember this. The roles always change. It started off by you teaching me and telling me how to do these chores a female must do, but, when you start getting older it is I who will be teaching and telling YOU how to do these things all over again. Do you remember how to sew a button? When was the last time you folded Father’s khaki shirt and pants without a crease?

Enjoy the time that you are able to tell me all these things, but remember this the roles will change. The baker only allows certain type of women.