Girl – Fight Back

You suck; you’ve always told me what to do; always told me how to live my life; always controlled my every motion; you’ve always imposed yourself onto me, why? For my sake? No, never. It has always been for your sake that you’ve imposed this robotic regimen on me. A non-ending numbing pain like a never ending sentence continued solely by semicolons, but not anymore!

I am my own person, I am intelligent and I am strong and I will not do as you tell me simply because you tell me so. I will learn and do as I see fit, and if the world sees me as you say then that is too bad for them. For I am me, not you, nor them, I am. And if I find that you happened to be right about something, or that I did not like a thing, then I will correct my actions because I decide it so. Because I want to change my actions, not because you want me to change my actions.


I have found the world far different than you have seen it. There is harshness, and cruelty in it. But not by all. I pity you now, you who has shut himself away so tightly in your little scope of reality that you are blind to the largeness of the world. It is vast and you are small. It is vast and I am big, for I see it as it is not as I would have it. For I am me, you are you, and they are them; and we are all so small.