One thought on “Readings & Resources

  1. Sofia Aguirre
    English 2850
    Reading Responce

    The readings “Heart of Sutra” and “Song of Myself” are similar in a way that both discuss an idea of how

    to reach happiness with oneself and different aspects of life from a specific point of view. “The Heart of Sutra”

    uses a Buddhist point of view to describe life and how to really reach that happiness or enlightenment. From my

    impression, the narrator of “Heart of Sutra” is a higher power such as a god-like person that explains what he did

    in order to help others reach that enlightenment. What caught my attention most about this reading was that it

    started off as describing something small in detail and worked its way up into something so big. In the beginning, it

    explains how this God created light and eventually made day and night, and from that it expanded into something

    so big such as creating planet Earth.

    Similarly, in the reading “Song of Myself”, the narrator puts himself on a high pedestal and tries to influence

    others to do so as well. When I began reading this work, I got the impression that this person felt really highly

    about himself and was going to continue speaking greatly about himself and how everyone else should follow his

    example. As I continued reading on, the theme started to have a bit of a shift. The narrator starts to speak more

    on how everything to him seems the same, male or female, dark or light, it’s important to put yourself in a higher

    position in order to reach that happy moment in your life.

    I believe both readings could have a significant impact on the reader because both speak about happiness

    and life in way that makes it so easy to overcome. Although one reading uses religion and the other uses self-

    reflection, both works give a strong message of how to each happiness and enlightenment. This is a perfect way

    to get to someone who isn’t a strong believer in religion and someone who in fact is a religious person. In

    conclusion, both “Heart of Sutra” and “Song of Myself” give a message about trying to make oneself be happy

    with themselves and what life is really about.

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