Girl by Jamaica Kincaid

Why are you allowed to tell me what to do? Who put you in charge? How is it fair that I am told what to do with myself, my own body and my own life? Why am I taught only how to do household chores rather than important job skills? Why did I have to learn how to cook and wash clothes and clean the house at such a young age? Why do I have to respect men even though I have no respect for them at all? Even after treating them politely, why are they still allowed to disrespect me? Why do people think they have the right to judge me and call me a ‘slut’ when I have done nothing to harm them or affect their life? How am I expected to love a man when I am allowed to be bullied by him with no way of fighting back?

These unfair, unwritten rules that we are given only weaken us against men. From a young age, being taught that we are put here solely to be slaves to men makes us powerless. Worse than that, it discourages girls from believing, imaging and even thinking that we can be powerful and dominant. We have the power to be so strong, we simply lack the support and encouragement that boys constantly received growing up. It’s a big obstacle that we face as girls but it is important to overcome it.