Jaclyn Corral- Girl


For as long as I can remember you’ve told me exactly how to live my life. You are always telling me what I should do, and what I should not do. I know you have the best intensions and want me to grow up to be a proper lady, but you need to give me some space to learn things on my own. You keep trying to teach me how to grow up, but it doesn’t work like that.

Ill always remember things you’ve taught me like how to set the table for each meal, and the right way to smile at people I know, and people I don’t know. You’ve taught me how to sweep the house and the yard. You’ve also taught me how to make medicine for when I have a cold.

And while all these things are very helpful for the rest of my life, I need to learn some things on my own. It won’t be easy doing it on my own, but I need to do this to grow as a person.

Just know that you’ve raised me well enough to know what things are right and what is wrong. I am not going to turn into a slut because you have taught me to be better than that. I have learned so much from the things you have taught me in my life. Because of you, I know very important things about life. I also know I need to wash the whites on Monday and the colors on Tuesdays. You’ve taught me to be the kind of woman the baker will let near the bread.

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