Author Archives: michael guzman

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About michael guzman


Final Project Time line Duchess of Malfi

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Tale of Genji Assignment

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jacobean style : oldboy

The movie called Old Boy a Korean film written by Hwang Jo-yoon ,Im Joon-hyeong , and Park Chan-wook reminded me of the Jacobean style writing and characteristics. The film has a lot of the characteristics of the jacobean style such as violence, big time revenge, drama , betrayal in a sense and incest. The film revolves around a man named Oh Dae Su who was framed for the killing of his wife and locked in a room for 15 years. Oh dae su eventually feels a sense of insanity because of being locked in the room and not knowing why this is happening to him , he also uses the t.v to self teach himself boxing. He is then let free with money and given a clue to find out what really happen and clues to find out who did this.

throughout the film he kills and fights his way to the truth. An example of revenge would be near the end of the film where he finds the man who planned everything and confronts him. the antagonist name is Lee Woo-jin who not only jailed him for 15 years and found out he used hypnosis to orchestrated everything. While the hypnosis was in play throughout the film the cellphone was used to enact it by using certain phrases to trigger events and clues not only did he make Oh Dae Su have incest with his daughter but made him fall in love with her which all in the name of revenge.

Here a trailer to the film




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leader discussion

In the play The Duchess Of Malfi written by John Webster i choose the quote in act 1.1 page 118 on line 319 where the Cardinal tells his sister the Duchess

“fare you well. wisdom begins at the end : remember it”.

I believe the quote describes a sort of foreshadowing or life lesson because for instance when a child climbs a tree he doesn’t know how dangerous it is until they fall off only then will they know not to climb it again because of how dangerous it is. Also i think it feels sort of threatening because of how the Cardinal and his brother Ferdinand try to control her telling her what to do and whats socially acceptable.

do you think that what the Cardinal intends to do hurt or kill her if she rebels or is he just bluffing to keep control ? also, why is it that both the Cardinal and the brother try so hard to control her? is she a threat to them?

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“drinking alone with the moon” and ” here comes the regular” comparison Eng 2800

i feel that the tang poem “drinking alone with the moon” written by Li Bai can be related to the song “here comes a regular” by The Replacement. the reason i picked this song is because it reminded me a little of the tang poem ; the man drinking under the moon appears to be a loner a person who prefers to be alone in the poem it says

Among the blossoms waits a jug of wine.
I pour myself a drink, no loved one near.
Raising my cup, I invite the bright moon
and turn to my shadow.

this shows the loner characteristic in this individual and how he doesn’t want to drink with a loved one or anyone for that fact because he instead invites the moon and his shadow to come drink with him. in the song “here comes a regular” he mentions that he didn’t want to be around other individuals that where other loudmouths and perhaps wanting to drink alone.

And sometimes I just ain’t in the mood
to take my place in back with the loudmouths.

this tells us that he doesn’t want to drink with others and probably prefers to drink alone instead of drink with other people who are probably embarrassing or straight out rude. both the sections of the poem and the song show me that the relationship that they share is that they both are loners and both are regular drinkers . i believe the only difference between the two is that one is artistic person who drinks for fun and creativity while the other is an alcoholic who is being irresponsible.

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student introductions : michael guzman

hi my name is Michael Guzman and i just transferred here from bmcc my major in bmcc was business administration. I am pretty much undecided and have a idea of what i might major in. i do not have a favorite book  and i do not remember the last book i read but it for my creative writing class. I am not a dedicated reader i only read books when its necessary like in class readings take home readings etc. my interest are listening to music, relaxing, exercising , art ,watching movies and playing video games.

“we tend to link agency to cultural autonomy and to measure cultural autonomy in terms of a society’s ability to protect its cultural identity from being watered down or erased by alien cultural forms; but every culture is always shaped by other cultures, and agency has more to do with the intelligent and imaginative negotiation of cross-culture contact than with avoiding such contact.”

this section from Global Matters: The Transnational Turn in Literary studies written by Paul Jay was confusing for me for one i get that cultures shape other cultures for instance the Romans absorbed various art techniques and cultures from different society for example Egypt the Romans borrowed culture from the Egyptians like education and gods as well as borrowing from Greeks to further their culture. so i get that cultures shape cultures but what i don’t get is what agency hes referring to and what he meant by “agency has more to do with the intelligent and imaginative negotiation of cross-culture contact than with avoiding such contact” ? i was confused by that it is a interesting read but very complex and easy to get confused but its fun to figure it out.


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