Author Archives: s.myint

Posts: 5 (archived below)
Comments: 1

Library Post

  1. The most important service the library offers are rentals for textbooks, calculators, and laptops.
  2. Library hours, study room reservations, important dates such as last day to return rentals
  3. List of numbers for different directories
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Jacobean Drama – Bates Motel

Bates Motel is a perfect example of a modern day Jacobean drama because of all the over-the-top violence, incest, jealousy, and revenge it contains in the show. Bates Motel is a TV show on AMC being a contemporary prequel to Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 film, “Psycho”. The series begins with a mother, Norma Bates and her son, Norman Bates starting a new life after the husband’s death in their new motel. This is a very simple beginning with serious plot twists with every turn as the show progresses.

The show covers all the basis of a Jacobean drama. Norma, the mother is an extremely paranoid and jealous mother leading to the suppression and suffocation of her son. The mother was raped within the first episode of the show by a stranger. The son has severe mental problems where he experiences blackouts. However, these are not normal blackouts. The son becomes very violent and goes as far as even killing people. After the first person Norman kills, they hide the body instead of reporting it. Norma also has an older son whose father is actually Norma’s brother. It happened from an incestuous rape further creating drama in the show. This show is anything but simple, in fact it is an endless suspense full of drama similar to that of a Jacobean drama.

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Discussion Leader – “Agamemnon”

“Healing Apollo, soothe her before
her crosswinds hold us down and moor the ships too long, pressing us on to another victim
nothing sacred, no no feast to be eaten
the architect of vengeance”

“Agamemnon” Page 200 Lines 145 – 150

This quote is said by the Chorus who I believe are the witness to Clytaemnestra’s tragedy and sorrow. I think the meaning of this quote is a foreshadowing. Clytaemnestra sacrificed her daughter in order for Agamemnon to win the war. It’s only a matter of time before she feels the aftereffects of losing her daughter and will start to put action forth regarding her emotions.

Do you think this quote is a foreshadowing or just another rant from the Chorus?

Do you think Clytaemnestra is justifiable in her actions?

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Cudi Zone vs Question and Answer in the Mountains

The song that reminds me of the Tang poem, “Question and Answer in the Mountains” is “Cudi Zone” by Kid Cudi. The mood of the poem is very carefree and calm. The person in the poem doesn’t even answer the question with words but with just a smile. “I smile and don’t reply; my heart’s at ease.” is very similar to the lyrics of Kid Cudi’s.  In Kid Cudi’s song, “Cudi Zone’ he mentions, “When I zone, I’m feeling alright. I forget about it all.” These two characters seem to be in nirvana and are in no hurry to be out of it. Kid Cudi also mentions, “ I could find peace somewhere” which is something I feel the character in Tang’s poem has already found.

In the second half of “Question and Answer in the Mountain”,

“Peach blossoms flow downstream, leaving no trace.

And there are other earths and skies than these.”

It seems this character is in another zone himself in which no one else can see or penetrate. Kid Cudi is in his zone and he clearly describes that with,

“I’ll be zonin’ all alone.

And then the place where my mind is going.

Filled with songs that no one’s knowin.”

These two characters are both floating away in perhaps their own dream world or even a different dimension, who knows? The only thing that’s certain is their mind is at ease and carefree.

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Student Introductions

My name is Steven Myint and my major is finance. I’m a U.S. Marine serving for 4 years now. My favorite book is “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki because of the inspiration and enlightenment I received after reading it. I like to play all sports and try new restaurants.

The part I found confusing from Paul Jay’s text,

“The same can be said about agency, which is often linked to debates about homogenization. We tend to link agency to cultural autonomy and to measure cultural autonomy in terms of society’s ability to protect it’s cultural identity from being watered down or erased by alien cultural forms”

I’m not sure what agency is being specified in the context nor can I make a connection between agency and the rest of the context.


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